Monday, May 20, 2024

Roger Bonds Confirms Diddy Abused Kim Porter

Last year Bad Boy Entertainment CEO Sean "Diddy" Combs' former bodyguard, Roger Bonds, confirmed Cassie Ventura's claims that she was physically abused by Diddy, after Cassie named Bonds as a witness to her abuse in the $30 million lawsuit she filed against the embattled music mogul [click here if you missed that].

Last night Roger confirmed suspicions that Diddy also put hands on his late ex Kim Porter...

In response to Diddy's apology for attacking Cassie after video of her abuse went viral [click here if you missed that], Roger Bonds slams Diddy for claiming his actions were a result of hitting "rock bottom" asking if he was also at the bottom while he was abusing Kim Porter and others for YEARS and YEARS.


R in NYC said...

Yeah we already knew he broke her nose on that yacht. Went off on her at her son's birthday party. Another time Kim got revenge and cut him on the wrist and sent him to the emergency room. Their relationship was hella toxic and violent. Kim knew all his dirty secrets and she even wore the strap on.
He beat Misa too. Beat her so bad once she had to dive up under a car to stop the beating.

LOLOL said...

We know that he abused others. That beat down was not the first. I wished there were more videos of him beating on others to shut this lying fool down. Mary J we need you to step forward now and tell it. You are a survivor of abuse. Everyone will defiantly believe you or does he have some receipts on you too?

Anonymous said...

All will be revealed soon. A lotta folks gonna start bandwagoning now but was quieter than a church mouse passing on cotton before.

Anonymous said...

*pissing on cotton

Anonymous said...

Roger Bonds is a Snitch a$$ niqqa. No relation Snitch.

Anonymous said...

‘Poor Kim.

Anonymous said...

What people (women) do/endure for coins. I’ll never understand.

Anonymous said...

What people (women) do/endure for coins. I’ll never understand.

Anonymous said...

I knew it. Al B. knew it too.

Anonymous said...

Did Quincy lmow?

Anonymous said...

Now his sons gonna beat they women. The cycle continues.

Anonymous said...

What people do for money is they business. Some people put up with abuse for money, some don’t.
Question is?
Which one are YOU?

Anonymous said...

She wasn’t never acting like she was trying to flee.

Anonymous said...

Of course he abused Kim. He abused every woman he's been with including Lopez. I wish she would shed some light on this, but she won't. She has nothing to gain so she'll stay quiet.

Anonymous said...

His adult son Christian is different. Everybody can't be lying about his father abusing his mom. I would have went to college, developed a career outside of the music business and lived away from this man. I would love Puff from a distance, check on my sisters and lived on my own until the girls were old enough to live with me.

Probably hard to walk away from all that wealth but I know I would have made an escape plan like Quincy and kept my distance just way too many stories and people who knew their mom coming out about the abuse.

Anonymous said...

Puffy should have grown into fatherhood and being a husband decades ago. He hasn’t given his sons an opportunity to live their lives because, he out here dating women in their age group. Like a dad envious of his son’s youth. They deserve to not have him not always overshadowing their prime years.

Anonymous said...

His children will learn about consequences.

Anonymous said...

If he kept cashing his paychecks after he witnessed this demon beat the first woman(or man) he is an enabler and complicit.

Anonymous said...

Kim was beautiful and could've certainly done better. It amazes me how some prizes lower their own value for basically peanuts. I think he put a root on her.

Anonymous said...

This just goes to show a lot of men ain’t worth a d@mn. No wonder women are choosing to tough it out with a bear rather than men. Smh

Anonymous said...

Well 30 years later, now that Kim is gone and Roger can't feed his family well off Puff glad he decided to confirm this. Him and Gene are two losers.

Anonymous said...

I want to know who actually put the bomb on Kid Cudi’s car. Diddy paying people to commit crimes because they don’t have money so there are some who don’t care as long as they aren’t caught. Some of y’all are broke but will probably do the unthinkable for a check. Can’t trust a broke motherf’cker either!

No Chiraq said...

Bonds is a broke convicted felon looking for a check

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised nor shocked this is well known

Anonymous said...

Never liked this wicked black devil, you can see the wickedness in his dead eyes.

Anonymous said...

@11:36 That part!

Jcee said...

@11:36 and whoever else talking crazy why can’t you all understand that people who are being abused are not staying because of Money they are not staying because of Love. They are not staying because of good sex. They are literally staying out of survival. They are staying out of fear. Their abuser has put into their head that they’re going to harm them or their friends and family members if they leave them, you see when she was trying to sneak out that room what happened? Cassie has made multiple attempts to leave him and he has done some horrible things to her and towards her friends and family members on account of her trying to leave. She has explained all this in her lawsuit. She said there been times when she’s left and he sent people after her people who are abused when the men don’t have money or stand for money then no it’s about fear. They are literally scared to leave. They would rather stay and get abused then leave and get unalive the most dangerous time of victims is when they are trying to leave y’all need to go and educate yourself you sound so hateful.

Anonymous said...

Now that Roger got a story to sell, I guess he will use the money to help his son locked up in Africa for murder. He big mad Combs didn't do more than post about his son's situation on IG. He wouldn't give him any money to help in any way. Him and the other body guards along with Cassie's friend Tiffany are some what complicit because he witnessed these things but didn't report any of it. Roger has interviews on Youtube with VLADTV and The Danza Project implying that Combs and Cassie were mutually combative but he didn't say that on TV. Combs biggest problem will be everybody he crossed will have a story to tell for a dollar. All his associates like Khaled and French Montana will never speak up. Why they asked Cam'ron to speak will forever be beyond me.


@Jcee thank you!!Sometimes I see these comments and I cringe. You broke it down very well!!! @11:31 I haven't heard that one in a minute. Took me back to my roots! That rat is quiet as heck!! LOL


@3:08 What is going on with Bonds son is irrelevant to most. Wheter he's upset with Diddy or not, these things happened. As for Diddy's friends, two things can be true at once. They may love their friend but not agree with what he has done.Puffy had absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely!! If you can do whatever you want, sooner or later, you do whatever you want. Diddy got caught and now will suffer dire consequences.

Anonymous said...

Exit left Diddy. You behave like yt. Go be with them. You’ve earned it

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