Sunday, May 05, 2024

Rick Ross Blames Drake for Crash Landing

Last month Florida rapper Rick Ross clowned Canadian rapper Drake for flying around in a 27-year-old donated-for-promotion retrofitted cargo plane [click here if you missed that].

Over the weekend Ross' private jet was forced to make a crash landing in Dallas and he joked that Drake's fighter pilots shot him down...

After news of crash landing went viral from a post 'liked' by Drake [champagne papi], Ross began claiming it was Drake's fault.



Anonymous said...

Nobody cares chunky

Anonymous said...

Ross has the mentality of an 8 year old child. πŸ˜†

Anonymous said...

The retired Miami government employee and current Cosplayer walked away unharmed because
the wing stopped the plane. 🀣🀣🀣 Wing Stop😩

Anonymous said...

God sho' don't like ugly.

Anonymous said...

Rick is one of those people that if something happens to him, it’s oh well.

Anonymous said...

Not him blaming Drake! Bye RR 😩😩😩

LOLOL said...

I'm waiting for his chair to break. I'll keep watching for it. LOLO

Anonymous said...

He is so unattractive. The "music industry" today making these poser plant bots famous is tragic.

Anonymous said...

If he dies he dies! - 50 Cent

Anonymous said...

Him and that baby moma act just alike. He just need to lick his teeth a bit more lol

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