Friday, May 03, 2024

Raven Symoné Forced to Defend Her Wife

Earlier this year actress Raven Symoné's wife, Miranda Maday, raised eyebrows after claiming she didn't know who Raven was when they met in a West Hollywood karaoke bar, while also admitting she used blood magic to bind them together forever [click here if you missed that].

Since then Raven's fans have been dragging Miranda non-stop and Raven has had enough...

In a message shared on TikTok Raven scolds her fans for leaving her wife death threats and Miranda clarifies that of course she heard of Raven Symoné, she just didn't grow up watching "That's So Raven," or any of her other TV shows or movies.

the end.

♬ original sound - miranda v. pm


Anonymous said...

Watching that black woman looking like that and talking like that to defend that blonde woman made my stomach churn.

mainly because I recently watched some African American history, but it's so scary the evolution of the masculation of black women, successful one at that, but I get it Raven is a childhood Hollywood star.

Last thing. When that woman claimed black magic is disturbed me too, while I'm not crazy or invested enough to be malicious, it wasn't funny and she should have expected it

Anonymous said...


LOLOL said...

So we are deleting comments again Snitch.
I'm going to repeat. Who cares about RS and her Yt witch.
She is not relevant anymore.
When she was on Cosby Show Raven was so cute and sassy. Looking like a truck driver is not the answer. Even Queen Latifah don't look that hard.
Now you can delete that.

Anonymous said...

Be The Man.

In action.

Lynny said...

That blood ish is NAAAASSSTYYYY!!!

Anonymous said...

Jewish Magik(Kabbalah). It's Satanic.

Anonymous said...

Kabbalah is not satanic. You're uninformed. A simple Google search will help you.

R in NYC said...

I'm not clicking on that mess. I can already feel the satanic vibes. Raven is truly lost with her Whyte wife handler.

Anonymous said...

We must open our minds. We must realize you are more than celebrities. We must blah, blah, blah...

Bih, please. Ain't nobody here for y'all. Those ain't fans showing displeasure, they're intentional trolls. They're trolling Becky/Karen and are using Raven to do it.

Be glad they spelled your name correctly or get off social media if you can't take the jabs.

Ain't nothin' worse than a crybaby celebrity.

Shafrika Lights said...

What the hell happened to her, dayuuuuum?!?!?
Between her and Osh Kosh Bigosh you can't tell me they didn't get abused. The proof is in the pudding. Hide your kids and hide your wife. The industry is WACK!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Jewish Magik(Kabbalah). It's Satanic.

10:05 AM

You are 100% correct. It is satanic, evil and demonic. It is witchcraft.

Anonymous said...

Wow they had to sit here and defend themselves and their relationship? Get off of social media then!! Jeesh!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Raven is in the sunken place. Another one bites the dust.

Anonymous said...

She’s a witch and Raven doesn’t even know she’s been hexed.

PS: kabbalah is witchcraft.

Jcee said...

Raven BEEN in the lgbtq community yall need to stop! When have we ever heard of her EVER being with a man or a then boy when she was younger? We didn’t! Raven is defending her wife the same way Simmons bikes defended her husband who said he didn’t know her! He literally said he didn’t know who she was.

Jcee said...

We need to stop living in the past and being perpetual victims yes race ism and s—la very happened (yall know we have to disguise words) but it is not happening TODAY! Ask yourself when was the last time you was denied anything because you were black? Think about the time you was a victim of a crime or someone trying to hold you back or stop you from doing something who was behind it if most of you are being honest the answer will be another black person. Let’s start working inside our community cuz the whyman and whywoman have left us to our own destruction notice they not even trying to come near us because they see how out of control our community is at the hands and leadership of black men. Let’s fix that and stop living in a time most of us were not even born in. It’s the only way we gone rise up and be successful. We are stopping US

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