Friday, May 24, 2024

Porsha Files Emergency Motion to Film Inside GA Mansion

Back in March returning Real Housewives of Atlanta cast member Porsha Williams' estranged husband, Simon Goubadia, sent a cease and desist letter to Bravo producers threatening to sue if Porsha filmed inside the Georgia mansion they once shared [click here if you missed that]. 

Porsha, who was awarded possession and sole exclusive use of the residence per the terms of their prenuptial agreement, has filed an emergency motion asking a judge to allow her to film inside...
In documents obtained by, the Bravo star said having the ability to film her day-to-day life, including inside the mansion, is "vital to her ability to sustain her income and employment."
"There is no logical or rational reason as to why Husband now seeks to prohibit Wife from filming at the marital residence, other than in an attempt to retaliate against Wife and intentionally restrict her ability to earn a living and expand her career," Porsha charged in her emergency order dated May 20.
Porsha stated that given Simon's "aggressively litigious behavior" of dragging the reality show and Truly Original Production, the production company behind RHOA, into the legal mess, they have advised her "they will not proceed with filming Wife, which directly impacts and impedes ability to make a successful return to Real Housewives of Atlanta."
According to Porsha, Simon's sole purpose in prohibiting her from filming inside the home is "to shield one party from disclosing sensitive, private, or personal information about the other party." She claims she's made it clear that "she would not film in areas that are personal to Husband, or areas that may contain information personal to Husband, including his bathroom, closet, office, etc." in an attempt to resolve the matter, but Simon isn't budging.
"To prevent Wife from filming her day-to-day activities and lifestyle in the residence to which she has exclusive possession, use, and occupancy is neither reasonable, nor fair to Wife, as it essentially restricts her ability to earn a living, and impedes her ability to provide a realistic view into her life, which is necessary and vital to be a successful reality TV personality," Porsha charged.
She says not being able to film inside the marital home "impedes" her ability "to fulfill her duties as a Real Housewives cast member." Porsha is demanding the court allow her to "film or produce television, film or social media or other visual content in or around the marital residence" and STAT.
The ruling is pending


Anonymous said...

Girl bye. Go rent you a penthouse for filming.

R in NYC said...

Show of hands how many RWS's care about this ongoing f***ry that is their marriage?

Anonymous said...

If I filed for divorce I would be out that man's house and live my peace in my own. She claim she kept her home so why not film there? Too much drama and stress for me.

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