Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Misa Hylton Triggered by Diddy Abuse Video

Bad Boy Entertainment CEO Sean "Diddy" Combs' oldest son Justin's mother, Misa Hylton, is known for calling Diddy out whenever he is in the wrong [click here here and here if you missed that].

This time is no exception as Misa admits she was triggered by the video leak of Diddy abusing his ex girlfriend Cassie Ventura [click here if you missed that], prays her ex gets some help...


Anonymous said...

You know what hearing from Misa is like his ridiculous kid putting out the trash he did. Just be quiet. Pretty sure it was not a good time for her when Puffy found out she was in LA on Suges Forbidden Red Carpet.

Jcee said...

She said she knows exactly how Cassie feels and it triggered her own trauma meaning he beat her too with that said we always want to give the excuse a person needs help no he needs accountability by way of the prison system! He don’t need prayer he don’t need therapy he need PRISON this is the only way men like him learn lock him up and throw away the key

Chelle said...

Mysa Shut Up and go sit down

LOLOL said...

Her coins were cut off when her son turned 18yrs old. I remember her being mad about it. Since he is not paying her anymore, she can tell how her @$$ got beat down too.

R in NYC said...

Diddy literally beat her up under a car. She's triggered cuz she got beat too. She needs to stop pretending she was an exception to his abuse.

Anonymous said...

I hope Cassie is somewhere rolling her eyes as hard as I am. Ain’t nobody praying for that Demon.

Anonymous said...

That pic of her looks a whole lot darker than I remember.

Anonymous said...

Now she wants to pray and show her support. Didn't they use to send her away when they were having Kids and BM day. Hard to believe that everytime Cassie got thrashed Misa didnt hear about it, How bout sshh!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has been whooped on by their man knows that every chick of his that followed got the brakes beat off of them, too. What was Mysa supposed to do about Cassie? Mysa left when she got sick and tired and Cassie did, too. No one can tell the battered to leave. She has to leave on her own time. So, why no sympathy for Mysa? Is it because her beatings weren't recorded?

Anonymous said...

Poor Misa.

Anonymous said...

Diddy don’t love the ladies.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:05 am They sure did use to send Cassie away while they had BM and children day.. all on the yacht and all. Poor Cassie was disrespected on a regular

Anonymous said...

I meant 9:05 pm

Anonymous said...

Look at Mysa trying to be slick. She on BadBoy payroll. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Vernell said...

Someone Tell Misa, Prayer Can't Help That Devil P Diddy & The Only Thing He Needs Now Is A Long PRISON Term!!!

Anonymous said...

Any woman who has experienced DV or any type of abuse by s man who said he loved her, would be triggered by that video. Brings back the memories of dark times

Anonymous said...

@7:17 PM how is she pretending that she was the exception to his abuse? she clearly said she's triggered because she knows how Cassie feels to be BEATEN by him

Anonymous said...

Did I see White nails

R in NYC said...

11:25 When has Misa ever directly said Diddy beat her? Abused her? I'll wait....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Never said Misa directly said Diddy beat her. However, Suge Knight confirmed it recently and besides all that cassie didn't directly say it either..until recently, so what is your point?

Anonymous said...

And just what do you think Misa means by "I know exactly how she feels? It's not rocket science Diddy put hands on her the way he has done a lot of women AND men

R in NYC said...

6:06 You sound triggered and way too bothered by my comments. Sounds like you and Misa both need to seek therapy.
Good luck. I'm not arguing back and forth with you. Stick to commenting and stop worrying about other people's opinions.

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