Friday, May 03, 2024

Mandisa's Father Says She Did Not Harm Herself

Last month the Franklin Tennessee Police Department announced the investigation into the passing of Christian singer Mandisa was ongoing, while being careful to mention no foul play was suspected [click here if you missed that].

While giving her eulogy, Mandisa's father insists his daughter did not harm herself...

The father of late Christian singer Mandisa has said he doesn't believe she died from self-harm and had been “weak,” struggling with recovering from COVID-19, at the time of her death.
Speaking at his daughter’s celebration of life service on April 27th at Brentwood Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, John Hundley said he’d spoken to detectives on several occasions and had stayed at his daughter’s house since her passing. He announced to the congregation that Mandisa’s official cause of death would not be released for a couple of weeks.
“But here's what I think happened,” he said. “Mandisa fell down in her bedroom. They found her on the floor. If you look from the rear of her bed, she was laying on the left side. It’s clear that's where she was laying, there was a couple of big rugs there and some clothes. On the right side of the bed, front, was this nightstand. I found her phone on the right side of the bed. There was no way for Mandisa to get around the bed, go out there and get a phone to call for help.
“She did not harm herself,” he stressed. “As she said, Mandisa loved the Lord and the Lord loved Mandisa. So there's one thing you may not have known. She told me some time ago that she had gotten COVID-19 and she had been weak trying to get over that. But she was trying to press through. We talked so much on Easter morning, but I thought she was going to this conference, and so I had not called her recently but I've talked to her a lot. May she rest in peace now.”


The King Of The Real said...

Denial is tough to shoulder, but people you gotta take care of yourself.

LOLOL said...

He wouldn't admit it if she did. Daddy needs to wait for the autopsy instead of being Sherlock Holmes.
I will forever wear my mask in crowded places. It's just a way of life now.

Anonymous said...

Was she being blackmailed? We know how scandalous church people are. Who was wife and husband swapping? Who was downlow and who was about to be outed? Start there.

R in NYC said...

Did she fall and break her leg or neck? Even with COVID she could have eventually got up off the floor. Sounds like Daddy is speaking out of turn.

Anonymous said...

9:19 I still wear mine too.

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