Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Lip Reader Deciphers Kelly Rowland Incident

Last night actress / singer Kelly Rowland went viral after she was filmed on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival pointing her finger in a security guard's face and speaking very firmly [click here if you missed that]. 

A professional lip reader explains what happened...

An expert lip reader has confirmed what Kelly Rowland said during a tense moment with a security guard at the Marcello Mia premiere during Cannes Film Festival on Tuesday night.
Jacqui Press said that after the security guard appeared to step on her dress, she apologized and Kelly said: 'It's ok.'
However, the security guard then said something else, causing Kelly's change in mood, as she responded: 'Don't talk to me like that.'
As the security guard continued to usher her up the stairs, Kelly turned around and exclaimed: 'Don't talk to me like that,' as she repeated the phrase several times.
The male security guard then came down to ask what was being said as the lady was using her hands to move Kelly along.
Kelly finally turned around on the top step and added: 'You still don't talk to me like that!'


Anonymous said...

They don’t respect you if you mock their culture with a wig. Kelly is beautiful and mostly talented who don’t need to Becky her style to cross a stage.

Anonymous said...

“Shut Up!” That’s what she told the security guard.

Anonymous said...

BeyoncĂ© and Jay paid that guard to do what she knew what would agitate Kelly. Why something always happening to others besides them?? Their day is going to come, sooner than later.Also that was a distraction cause everyone is saying Jay’s next from P Diddy connection.

LOLOL said...

This is getting more press than needed. Again, trying to shame and making her out to be the angry Black women. Focus on what the security guard said to make her upset.
Yt's need a good read every day, in order to put them in their place, like they try to do to us.

Gg57 said...

Well duh. It was obvious what Kelly said. We wanna know what that wyte lady said.

Anonymous said...

The scene was planned and orchestrated against Kelly to take her out of her character. No one else was rushed up the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Embarrassing behavior from Beyonce's shadow.

Anonymous said...

Only one poster here keeps saying over and over that jayzee is next. Get over it. If anything, he knows how to pay for silence and

Sweets said...

I saw, Dont do that, dont touch me when she touch her back the first time, then dont touch me. Repeated.

Anonymous said...

She won’t say why she was upset even after a reporter asked her. The look on her face and the way she tried to deflect the question came off pitiful.

She knows she screwed up and then tried to blame it on - she doesn’t look like a lot of the other people at Cannes, no one else was rushed along like she was.

Well no one else that was Black at the film festival had a problem posing for pics and then moving along and going up the stairway into the event. Kelly is a diva that wishes she was Beyonce.

B, on the other hand, would have kept it classy and had someone from her team have a chat with security.

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