Thursday, May 02, 2024

Kwame Kilpatrick Attends Trump MI Rally

On the last day of Donald Trump's presidency he commuted former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick 28 year prison sentence [click here if you missed that]. 

This week Kwame was on hand for Trump's rally in Saginaw...

From AOL
Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick paid a visit to a crowded political rally in Saginaw County on Wednesday for the man who commuted his prison sentence in 2021: former President Donald Trump.
The Detroit News, which first reported that Kilpatrick was in attendance at the campaign rally, showed the former mayor in photographs wearing a white baseball cap and a light blue coat. Television footage of the rally showed a person appearing to be Kilpatrick standing near the front of the crowd to the left of the stage after Trump's speech, near where the former president walked up the stairs back into his plane to depart.
On his last day as president in 2021, Trump commuted Kilpatrick's public corruption sentence, cutting 20 years off a sentence for a conviction handed down in 2013. The former mayor − elected in 2001 and again in 2005 − resigned from office in 2008 in the aftermath of a text message scandal uncovered by the Free Press that purported to hide a romantic relationship between him and his chief of staff they had denied in an earlier whistleblower trial.
Kilpatrick was later sentenced to a 28-year federal prison sentence on convictions involving several charges of public corruption, including racketeering, bribery, extortion and fraud.
Trump pardoned or otherwise commuted the sentences of more than 140 people during his last day in office, including Kilpatrick, though he left in place $4.7 million in restitution owed by the former mayor.


Anonymous said...

Of course he did. Clowns support clowns.

Anonymous said...

Kwame returning the favor of being pardoned by Trump...time to pay up!

R in NYC said...

Kwane is a con man supporting his fellow kind.

Anonymous said...

Thugs for thugs.

Anonymous said...

That’s right Kwame 😘 kiss the ring.Time to pay the piper .Trump never does anything out the kindness of his 🖤 Heart.

Anonymous said...

Dirty birds of a feather flock together. He should still be in jail and Don the Con is headed there. They are the same person.

Anonymous said...

He is a grown man and he can do what he wants
"shrug shoulders"

Anonymous said...

At least y’all consistent in y’all hate & jealousy.
Massa biden keep them shoes shined.

Anonymous said...

@3:54 and you keep being Dump's personal toilet paper

Anonymous said...

@3:52 and 3:54

Shut up

Anonymous said...

"There's MY African-American"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@3:54 But you supporting man that just sits there and 💩’ himself . The man literally sh*t himself . Well no lies was told when everyone said Trump is a hot stanking mess.

Anonymous said...

@3:34 I can you now “ Mr. Trump I’ll clean it up” Sir!

Anonymous said...

@3:54 At least Biden just old, Trump’s old & he sh*ts himself.

Anonymous said...

@5:20pm, you sound just like the way you say Trump treats you
I figure if another person can be rude like that towards
Someone they don't know on a message board
Why not Trump?
I'm glad you are not running for office

Anonymous said...

Blame Detroit voters. They started it.

Detroit Voter said...

Don't blame us. He comes from a well respected Detroit family. We were voting on name recognition earned by his mother's political legacy. Who knew the apple would fall so far from the tree?

LOLOL said...

The slave mentality still runs through some our bones. Take the pardon and keep it moving. Just because he got you out of prison doesn't mean you have to stay in the bend over position without lube.

Anonymous said...

In Kwame’s mind, he’s still in politics.

Anonymous said...

Did he sit in the Black's only section?

Anonymous said...

Trump will use any coon of color to win votes. He needs to reach out to my cousin, girl was living in a women's homeless center with no job when trump was in office screaming at us about "how good her president is".

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