Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Kelly Rowland Checks Aggressive Security Guard

Video is circulating online of singer Kelly Rowland getting an aggressive security guard together at the Cannes Film Festival...

In the video the security guard appears to be rushing Kelly up the red carpet touching her back several times before Kelly snaps.

Do we have any lip readers in the house?


Vernell said...

Don't Rush Her!!

Anonymous said...

Right, let a bih take her time on the red carpet.

Anonymous said...

Lip reader here 😁
She said.."Don't touch me"

R in NYC said...

Kelly had time that day.

Bish betta show some respect d*mm it!✌️💯❤️

Anonymous said...

Keep yo cave dwelling hands to yourself!

Anonymous said...

That was her moment so shouldn't have been rushed

Anonymous said...

Good for her

Anonymous said...

Lolol! Kelly ain't wit the shenanigans 🤣. Side note, I hate that blonde wig!!! Girl, you are not Beyonce! Take that shyt off

Anonymous said...

It went from 0-60 real quick. It sounds like Kelly was politely warning her to watch out for her dress and the lady said something smart like "Hurry up then" and thats what made Kelly lose it. Glad it didnt get physical lol

LOLOL said...

Yea, no reason for anyone to put hands on nobody but I don't know why Kelly was there in the first place. She don't have no block buster movie coming out. This is the second time Kelly (the View incident) has been flexing like she a big star and everyone knows her. Destiny's Child is only a memory. Sasha Away Kelly

Anonymous said...

They gave Kelly the old “hurry up and go” treatment… she did her best to be gracious too…that white chick slick provoked her just to ruin her moment. The devil will come in all forms, shapes and sizes. That day is was a white female usher trying to exert her false sense of power over Kelly.

Anonymous said...

The security guard was disrespectful. She should keep her paws to herself being rude to Kelly. She was practically pushing her....

Cornycollins said...

Kelly, they know you're not Beyonce

Anonymous said...

The lady is mad she has to wear that big hot suit while Kelly is enjoying her best life. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Blonde Hair + Red Carpet...

Anonymous said...

She's ignorant. There is a reason we are stereotyped as angry all the time.

Anonymous said...

Kelly is ignorant? If this was that reason we’re stereotyped is that why we’re killed by them with no remorse?

Dumb azz comment. You must be fat and ugly with moles all over your body.

Anonymous said...

4:23 Ghetto trash comment. You can't even refute my words, you just hurl insults like hood trained sewer rat. Enjoy the gutter, it's where you belong.

Anonymous said...

She said, "Don't talk to me like that!"

Anonymous said...

@ 4:23, not moles all over her body?!?! LMMFAO

Anonymous said...

@11:10 Miss Kelly was just in Mea Culpa and that was the #1 most watched movie for Netflix, so she’s a star actress and had every right to take her time.

Anonymous said...

Kelly was holding the line up she isn’t the only one in line but she is the only one that made a fool of herself to the world. She isn’t Beyonce!!!
Anyone wagging their finger in my face would have had it broken off rather quickly.
Kelly moved right along the following day when she was on the red carpet again. Clearly someone had a chat with her.

Anonymous said...

Okay! I'll say it! The dress and color were beautiful, but Kelly Roland looked absolutely ridiculous in that platinum blonde wig!! It made her look cheap, the style of it was hideous and the black roots made it look like a wig purchased from a beauty supply store!

Anonymous said...

Kelly Roland is well on her way to be branded as "difficult to work with." Once that happens, she'll get blacklisted, no one will want to work with her and she will be done! She should know that this world is not an equal playing field, even for major Black stars, of which,nKelly is NOT one!

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