Thursday, May 16, 2024

Kel Mitchell Claims Ex Wife Got Pregnant by Another Man During Their Marriage

For years actor Kel Mitchell's ex wife Tyisha Hampton has been dragging him over the coals, and back and forth to court, accusing him of child neglect and financial abuse [click here if you missed that].

Kel sits down with Shannon Sharpe on Club Shay Shay and shares some shocking allegations about his ex...


Anonymous said...

And on this day a Passport Bro was born.
✌🏿✈️ 🇧🇷 👩🏼‍🦱👩🏻‍🦱👩‍🦱

Anonymous said...

@5:46 Good Do black women a favor & become somebody’s else problem. Black men not even attractive anymore.

Anonymous said...

7:14PM Black men with their little azz legs and Bigen beards. I will gladly exchange them for another race of men. Italian to be exact. 😂

Anonymous said...

@7:14 & 7:42 - no mention of the scandulous scalleywag's actions and behavior I see. Interesting , interesting indeed..................... 🤔

Anonymous said...

@7:42 Shyt ! I’d exchange them for a 2 piece and a biscuit.

Anonymous said...

Choose better 🤷🏾‍♀️

Anonymous said...

@7:14 That part !!!

Anonymous said...

Kel should have left at the beginning and he knows this. Trick got the nerve to slander ol boy on TikkyTokky about child support knowing he stayed and supported her the entirety of their marriage for the kids. Nonetheless, he endured what he need to endure to learn and grow. I'm happy he found his new chocolate queen and I hope he had learn to value himself, always playing the clown can possibly feed the low self esteem. Oh and he definitely has a type.

I loved me some Kel, I do I do I do-ou. Happy he is bouncing back.

Anonymous said...

Too much divorce and child custody issues posts for me. I'm out.

Anonymous said...

^^^We don't even know you. You could have left quietly and no one would have cared.

Anonymous said...

Morris Chestnut, Bill Bellamy, Samuel Jackson, Denzel Washington, Omar Epps have rare marriages these days. I commend the wives for not being gold diggers, actually loving and working with them after the honeymoon phase. Can’t be easy with husbands being admired and fanned over constantly.
I hope Kel finds that real one.

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