Monday, May 06, 2024

Floyd Mayweather Teases Boxing Announcement

For the past month there have been questions about boxer Floyd Mayweather and whether or not he is in Dubai being held against his will [click here if you missed that].

While we have not heard directly from Floyd, he just teased a big boxing announcement on social media...


Jcee said...

Yea I think he broke cuz why he keep having these lame fights nobody wants to see he should be enjoying his money and grandson

Anonymous said...

I hope the debt rumor isn’t true and he’s leaving generational wealth for his kids. I dunno about his bird of an oldest daughter, but hopefully he’s showing at least one of the other children how to run the business. Looks like his grandson will carry the Mayweather legacy.

Anonymous said...

Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Please Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go
Let Floyd Go

Anonymous said...


Gone somewhere and show you care by sending that cheap to someone who can help. Waste of time and energy. Wait, let me guess you got alllllll day lol.

Chelle said...

Sit down Floyd. We tired of your fights

Anonymous said...

Go ahead & get knocked out. Your Rolling can’t always work

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