Thursday, May 30, 2024

Donald Trump Found Guilty on All Counts

Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying records in his historic criminal hush money trial...

From ABC News   

A jury has found former President Donald Trump's guilty on all 34 counts in the criminal trial in New York City, where he faced felony charges related to a 2016 hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels. It marks the first time in history that a former U.S. president has been tried on criminal charges.
Trump last April pleaded not guilty to a 34-count indictment charging him with falsifying business records in connection with a hush money payment his then-attorney Michael Cohen made to Daniels in order to boost his electoral prospects in the 2016 presidential election.


Anonymous said...

Lock him up!

Anonymous said...

Not in the United States can a wannabe dictator get away with breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well.

anonymous said...

Will he serve actual time is the question!

Anonymous said...

I don’t even care if he serves time or not. I’m just glad this asterisk is next to his name in the history books. President Donald J. Trump, Convicted Felon.

Anonymous said...

@5:39 πŸ‘πŸ½That Part!

Anonymous said...

HereYeeπŸ“œHere YeeπŸ“―let it Be saiDπŸ””πŸ”ˆ ... Yo ...MAy.GraB.No.Mo. Pu$$y!!🐱

Anonymous said...

Hmm, imagine that… a New Yorker found guilty by his peer New Yorkers. But he probably won’t serve time. 1st time non violent. Question is can a felon vote for himself where he lives/Florida? No question, his idiot base will still vote for him

Anonymous said...

This dictator is Not Above The Law. Now the real witch πŸ§™‍♀️ hit begins. Trump will now put it out here, it’s the President Joe Biden fault all around. Donald Trump is nothing but a dictator/controller of what he wants. He is and ever has been about this country, he’s about trump world.

Anonymous said...

Why you glad somebody got the lowest level felony by their name? How does that change your life? Y’all a bunch of haters! We just fattening y’all up for the kill so it hurts even worse in November when Trump wins!
MAGA Til The World Blow!!!

A Day To Remember said...

Lock his a$$ up and throw away the key!!!
Donald is a criminal and unfit to be president, much less vote in the next election. He called for the death penalty for the Central Park 5. I hope that that Judge Marchan remembers all of Donald's tantrgums, all the times that he violated his gag order, and Donanld's lack of remorse when he is sentenced in July 11. Hoping that he gets the MAXIMUM sentence!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 6:16 PM… yeah probation!πŸ€£πŸ˜‰πŸ€£
Y’all really think Trump going to jail?
Everybody thought the Central Park 5 was guilty back then, including black people.
You talking about 5 people, but what about the millions of black lives & families biden destroyed with multiple crime bills?
Y’all can’t win this debate! You have no ammo!
Trump is not going to jail & he’s gonna win the presidency once again for the third time!
Celebrate y’all false victory! Drinks on me.
See you in November for the real victory! ✊🏿

R in NYC said...

Demented Donnie ain't shiiiiid

Anonymous said...

Breaking: Water is wet.

Anonymous said...

The Dump d*** suckers will root for their god no matter what evil he does. Simps!!!

Brother Love Ministries said...

They always coming for wealthy folks that love the Lord.
They talk about parties and videos and grabbing women by the cat and money going here and there. Forgive people like you want to be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

@6:31 Buy my drink now 🍺 because I’m celebrating now. Lock that criminal πŸ†™.

Anonymous said...

@6:31 Let me hear you say, "OV-ho" (OV-ho) 🀭

R in NYC said...

Paying off hoez never ends well.🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

Anonymous said...

@7:09 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@6:31 Then step this way, step that way 🀣🀣🀣🀣

Anonymous said...

Hope he appeals it and gets probation, Runs for POTUS and make this sh*t half decent again

LOLOL said...

New York knows how to get the job done. That's why he wanted the trial moved to someone else. He'll get probation and he want do that. It's time for some street justice.

Anonymous said...

How is he a dictator?

Anonymous said...

@7:24 You don’t even believe that.

Anonymous said...

Lock that beyotch up

Anonymous said...

There is a Trump troll lurking around on here. You may need to go back to the Yahoo comment section before you have a stroke reading all the comments. Lol #TRUMP20-24 years

Anonymous said...

@7:24 ✊🏾keep hope alive πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

Here come the butt hurt Trump trolls.

Anonymous said...

The willful ignorance is astounding and dangerous.
A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it. The truth is the truth even if MAGATS dont believe it.

The fact that you would support the man who tried to overthrow the government of the country you call home and gives you and your family all you all is about as willfully ignorant you can get. A convicted felon. An adulterer. A rapist. A financial fraud. A wanna be dictator. A man with over 80 felony counts in 4 jurisdictions…. To be president of the United States of America….boggles the mind.

Go read about Project 2025. Is this what you want for your children and grandchildren?!?


R in NYC said...

Well said @ 9:02. Imagine if Obama had done all those things.... they'd be trying to tar and feather him.

Anonymous said...

This country is far to racist they aren't going to arrest him and put him in jail don't count on it

Anonymous said...

And I’m still voting for him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He’s a wannabe Dictator. He has a history of constantly praising other countries with Dictators.
Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Viktor Orban, Adolf Hitler, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Saddam Hussein: What do they have in common? All of these authoritarians have reportedly drawn praise from former US president — and now GOP presidential nominee — Donald Trump, who has promised Americans that he, too, will be a dictator “on Day One” of his time in office.

Every last one of them he’s said positive things about them overlooking the crimes committed against their own people.
Keep up.
Ok, delusional. Go right ahead. We all have free will.

LOLOL said...

I read this morning that his website crashed after asking for donations.
It boggles my mind that we have this many ppl walking around, that we rub elbows with every day and don't know they support a felon. Maybe it's because they are felons, potential felons, thieves, scammers, or just mentally challenged to support a man like this. What happened to this country?

Sunno said...

A convicted felon can run for presidential office, but can not legally vote in most states. Please make it make sense.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the donations, This is why they pushed for Citizens United. You can buy anything, including the presidency of the United States. That is why they are so confident they will win. Between buying the sellouts of the democracy and the bots and trolls telling you that the race is so close and counting on the apathy of Americans who refuse to vote, our democracy is in peril.

At least now he’s a convicted felon, just like all this people he pardoned. Shouldn’t have been so greedy and willing to be Putin’s puppet and useful idiot.

Anonymous said...

Last year Katt Williams said all would be exposed in 2024. And looks like that includes America’s weakness as a world power, exposing how the wealthy supports and enables the dismantling of the power of the people and the excellence derived there from in favor of white privilege snd patriarchy serking tp attain power just for them and none for others.

The felon has pushed this country to the brink because he’s so criminally dishonest. Before trump, we cared about truth, values, laws, morals, respect and ethics. That is befire putin bought ought the republican party and installed trump.

We can now see the chink in the armor of laws and democracy and government. This happened because wevtveen dumbed down to believe that businessmen hold the key to America and ira success. He is the one businessman who everyone knew about, chose to look away from all his criminality and lies and challenging our courts and rule of law in this country like no one ever before.

Americans better recognize that they say socialism is destroying the country, yet its capitalism that is stealing your 401k, your jobs and your money and shhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

And when I say socialism, I really mean power of the people to hold ourselves accountable as opposed to capitalism where there is no accountability because the bottom line is everything. Even if you have to Cheat, lie steal, betray and/or deceive to get there.

Anonymous said...

The issue I see here is that he did what 95% of politicians, celebrities and regular degular men do, pay they side ho3s to take dack and stfu. This opens the door for basically the entire male population to be held to the same standard. Be afraid my brothers.

Anonymous said...

10:37 what kinda messed up logic are you spewing? You sound salty because you believe adultery is cool.

Anonymous said...

@10:37 No. The entire male is not tricking. Just the thirsty immature dishonest f boys who never want to mature or take accountability. So happy for the good men I know that are not living double lives they expect to keep secret. You want to be a hoe. Be honest about it and don't get married. It's not for you.

Anonymous said...

@11:48 AM It's like Trump did alllll that American psych0 High-signing to get rich some p#$$!, Still lost it in the end. It's like the same P s!say did alllll that stealing and partying to throw it in the face too women he knew he regularly couldn't get and it backtracked. Kay z who like money more than pu$$! played his own people like black people did something to his looks Will be NEXT! 2027

Anonymous said...

@8:04AM Good for you but, as for me and my entire family, co-workers, neighbors we will not or never vote for TRUMP.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:04 You’re probably a convicted felon yourself, can’t even vote so have a seat poor tink tink, and πŸ›‘ stop trying to hustle votes for your orange messiah.

Anonymous said...

Trump has the same people at each rally if you look closely you’ll start noticing it’s the same people. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ They follow Don the Con from city to city.That shyt would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

LOLOL said...

Snitch where are you? We need some new posts today. These Dump supporters are making my Boo-tay itch with all the non-sense they are talking. LOL

R in NYC said...

Snitch done dropped this post and said peace out!🀣🀣🀣🀣
Yeah these Dumpsters are a special breed of folks. They overlook everything their Demented God does but still wanna holler about family values, morality and making America Great. Dump is a wannabe dictator with no d**k. How tragic.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

Anonymous said...

Trump called ‘Apprentice’ contestant a racist slur, former producer says Trump drop the N word, but hey that’s what his supporters love about him.

R in NYC said...

11:15 You mad? Awww show us on the doll where we hurt you.🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
Did you really use the "N" word with the hard "r"? Oh you're really bothered. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

Anonymous said...

Side note prediction…, JLo had to cancel her tour without admitting it was the low ticket sales that caused it. After a movie and album flopping, If she needs more money, she will get ready to share her relationship with Diddy. Watch!

Anonymous said...

@11:15 Donald is that you, with your dry sense of humor. We all know how you like to drop the “N” word, and the only one that 😷 stinks is your diaper wearing azz.

Anonymous said...

He wins? Another stimmy for us? All I need is one more stimulas check!

Anonymous said...

Win? Another stimulus check? Keep your day job because Trump is on a losing streak.

In the last couple years he's lost two cases (sexual abuse and defamation) to E. Jean Carroll, he was ordered to pay over $350 million for business fraud, and the only real reason that Trump has not already stood trial for trying to steal the 2020 election is because the Supreme Court is controlled by an ethically compromised conservative majority.

Truth be told, Trump should have won this case or at least had a hung jury when the best witnesses were a sex worker and a thieving lawyer. Trump will probably fire his attorney Todd Blanche. I would.

Yeah, keep that day job.

Anonymous said...

Trump is already raising more money from the conviction. He will retake the Presidency and then the purge will commence.....

Anonymous said...

You and that delusional brain of yours is on a roll today! πŸ˜‚

Anonymous said...

@1:57 Go on dump social with your stupidity. The majority of Americans do not want to live in a fake dictatorship America, you idiots want that life until you are actually living in it so move to Russia and take dump with you because he will not be president despite the lies being told he is a lying, cheating wanna be bully who happens to be a felon. All that money is going in his pockets he don't give a rats a@@ about you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Trump 2024!!!!

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