Saturday, May 11, 2024

Diddy Sends a Message

Bad Boy Entertainment CEO, Sean "Diddy" Combs shares a pointed messages about showing love...


The King Of The Real said...

Bro, get therapy. Then do the Russ thing. Fly out to a non-extradition spot. No one gonna love you but your Mama

Shafrika Lights said...

Which way is the message pointed?

Anonymous said...

When it hits that God will not be mocked and no other one can help you it gotta be different. This fool is done. Worse is the judgement for PB Jakes who knows better. Mmmm

Chelle said...

I hate this guy
He gets away with everything

R in NYC said...

He talking about a different god not the one in heaven.

LOLOL said...

I don't know why he's sharing this stupid post since he hasn't been charged yet. You first have to know what love is before throwing the word around so loosely. Allegedly you have not been charged or arrested with the r@pe , abuse, drugs, etc...
Learn to stay quiet. That's hard for a narcissist to do.

Anonymous said...

Narcissistic sociopath. It's up for all these deviants. Katt Williams warned us. Lock him up!!

Anonymous said...

We know what his kind of love is. We can’t ever unhear it! Nasty azz!

Anonymous said...

Is he serious? Show love? He's been out here terrorizing and strong-arming people to make himself appear powerful for years. He only showed love when he wanted something from someone but other than that, he was too busy throwing his weight around. He's a weak man and instead of focusing on trying to manipulate people into being his friend, he should work on self first and determine why he thought being a bully was important to him. Start with telling the truth and not lying so much.


@King of the Real I been saying that!! He needs to go where he's beloved. Right now, it's not here. Let things cool off. They will find someone else to garner attention. Then you ease back in like Roman Polansky.

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