Wednesday, May 29, 2024

DC Concert Goers Boycotting Brian McKnight?

Earlier this month R&B singer Brian McKnight was forced to cancel his show in Detroit after former fans collectively refused to buy tickets, citing the notorious mistreatment of his birth children [click here if you missed that].

Looks like DC concert goers are doing the same thing...


Anonymous said...

Other cities will follow suit.

Anonymous said...

Snitch you going to the “F*** Dem Kidz” Tour?
Or you gon be the only attendee @ the biden rally that night?

Gg57 said...

Lmaooooo Did he not realize 88% of his fanbase is Black women??? He had guest spots on Living Single, Sister Sister, Martin....HELLO!!? Brian?? Anybody home??? Did "Friends" or "Will and Grace" ever invite you on their show???

He is done. He nailed the coffin when he said the kids he made with his BLACK WIFE were made in sin. We'll see how long Miss Taiwan hangs around once you cant buy her anymore Christian Dior lol

R in NYC said...

Good! Let this be the era we cancel abusive and trifling brothas

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He should have kept the nastiness to himself and let the adult kids play themselves but no, he made it worse. One has cancer and the other he humiliated by spreading rumors of her sexing family members. Smh! What a dumb@ss.
No, you don’t ever cross my mind, ninja! You’re dust!

Chelle said...

He will be fine. He has fans overseas

Anonymous said...

The only ones buying are the ones not on social media who don’t really know about him. Shame. I can’t stomach his music anymore just like I can’t stomach the rkelly music I used to love.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the women from his wife's background will take up the slack and fund his livelihood instead? Can't see it myself as their not stupid enough to spend their $$ on him, they expect the likes of him to be splashing it on them.

LOLOL said...

He always reminded me of that cartoon character on Dick Tracey with the wrinkled for head. What was his name? Oh yea Mumbles. LOL

Anonymous said...

Keep believing that.

Anonymous said...

The upper level tickets are still selling.

Anonymous said...

At the very least, McKnight can go back at one and stop with the childish behavior on the internet. Never was embarrassing anyone but yaself. New wife can't control him and Twitter became his therapist. If he really wants his children's attention. DM them. Stop trying to use reverse psychology to show them an example or use an excuse to acknowledge you have kids who abandoned you. At the end of the dead, Brian better pray that these step children and wif le will use his money for a decent nursing home and if he does he need to stop using them as a sword and shield to attack his biological children. Does his biological children ever cross his mind? All the time. Not any lol

Anonymous said...

He usually comes to my city every summer for our jazz fest. I'm not going and I'm going to make sure none of my family and friends go either. This ninja better see if his wife peoples pick up the slack.....

LOLOL said...

10:24 PM,
You have control fever (issues) if you can tell family and friends when and where to go. If folks want to see Play-Doh forehead let them. I'm glad I don't know you. I would have to give you one fierce read telling who I can see and where I can go.

Anonymous said...

@9:16AM, I think you misunderstood the point 10:24PM was attempting to convey. Spreading awareness and understanding regarding the gravity of dudes issues/disrespect is not controlling. Encouraging family not to support him is a good look but you turned it into something else due to your lack of comprehension and misplaced animosity. Be well and look at the positive, not negative. That negative energy will hinder your life

Anonymous said...

@916...You seriously overreacted with the message flying straight over your head. Lololol

Anonymous said...

The message was negative telling folks where to go . Have several seats why don't you.

Anonymous said...

@1:22 PM. If you found that message to be negative, I am seriously concerned about your cognitive dissonance and functioning skills. There was nothing negative about that comment. What has happened to you to make you triggered so easily regarding that comment. Telling her family not to support this fool by attending his concerts does not reflect control issues! Therapy/anger management will help you understand why you feel triggered unnecessarily. Have a good day

Anonymous said...

McKnight is literally the avg out here...but ok.

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