Thursday, May 02, 2024

Cardi B Puts Tasha K's Hubby on the Hot Seat

Last month it was revealed that rapper Cardi B tracked down gossip vlogger Tasha K's accountant, leading to the discovery of the offshore bank accounts and secret trusts Tasha allegedly created to avoid paying the $4 million judgment awarded to Cardi after successfully suing Tasha for defamation [click here if you missed that]. 

Apparently the discovery also revealed that Tasha's husband may the one who's actually hiding the money...

According to court documents obtained by, the rapper asked the court to compel Tasha’s husband Cheickna Kebe to turn over emails she believes could hold vital information.
In her new motion, Cardi explained she served Tasha’s husband with a notice in July 2023 that asked him to produce documents. She said he objected to nearly every request. His lawyer said the documents had already been produced by Tasha.
Cardi said she recently deposed Alicia Thomas, an accountant who worked for Tasha’s husband. Cardi said she discovered the existence of an email address actively used by Mr. Kebe to conduct business. She said this email address had not been previously disclosed despite him being asked to reveal ALL email addresses he used.
In addition, she said it is particularly troubling since the email address seems related to one of the trusts the couple created that was not initially disclosed.
“The discovery of this undisclosed email address lays bare Mr. Kebe’s contempt for the subpoena and this Court. In keeping with the Kebe’s conduct throughout these proceedings, Mr. Kebe deliberately withheld documents and communications that are responsive to the subpoena for 2004 examination he first received on July 19, 2023,” Cardi’s lawyer wrote.
Further, her legal team claimed to have discovered the existence of a previously undisclosed company owned by Mr. Kebe — IBSM Technolgie LLC while running a business records check related to another previously undisclosed business of Debtor called Stash Media Works LLC.”
Cardi said the company was created approximately one month after Tasha filed for bankruptcy. Her lawyer said, "More importantly, Mr. Kebe was asked about what companies he owns, and he failed to disclose the existence of IBSM even though he had only created it approximately two months prior to" him being asked.
The motion added, "Both Debtor and Mr. Kebe made clear as they admitted under oath that they were moving assets and funds from Debtor to Mr. Kebe in an effort to avoid the Defamation Judgment and garnishment of Debtor’s income. Post-petition, Debtor and Mr. Kebe’s effort to conceal Debtor’s true income by filtering it through Mr. Kebe’s companies is laid bare in the latest Amended Plan and will be addressed separately in an objection to confirmation. Put simply, Debtor’s Plan shows Debtor intends to continue her bad faith efforts to suppress the true amount of her income in an effort to hinder and delay [Cardi's] collection efforts."
A judge has yet to rule on Cardi's motion.


Anonymous said...

Sic ‘em Bardi!

Anonymous said...

She needs to put her own hubby in the hot seat. 🙄

R in NYC said...

Keep your foot on their necks!!

Anonymous said...

If she spent the same amount of energy on her man she'd be better off. And I don't agree with Tasha Ks antics but sometimes people be too focused on the wrong shyt.

No Chiraq said...

Get them Cardi

LOLOL said...

She is focused on the right thing. If someone lied on me and wouldn't back down with many chances will feel my raft.
She dealt with broke busted husband. That's why he's trying to get back together. If the H0-es were after him like before he wouldn't be trying to get back in the relationship.

Jcee said...

7:07 right!! And one has nothing to do with the other!! Her husband and their marriage has nothing to do with the defamation lawsuit.

Jcee said...

We love deflecting. And gain the whole point in her ATTORNEYS doing this is to stop Tasha k bankruptcy so she can garnish those checks! These folks love worrying about the wrong thing the situation at hand is Tasha lied got sued lost and cardi attorneys is seeking a way for cardi to get some money

Anonymous said...

Get every coin Cardi. 💵 Tasha shouldn't have LIED and she has shown NO REMORSE. And now we see Tasha's husband a con artist too. If Tasha would have just apologized and took the lies down all this would have GONE AWAY. So, for everybody saying Cardi should let it go...She tried and gave Tasha many, many chances, but Tasha kept clowning so Cardi absolutely should get all her money. 💯

The King Of The Real said...


Anonymous said...

Cardi is such a useless female. Instead of taking care of her own home she'd rather focus on someone else's. Her husband is a bum but she wants to focus on Tasha.

Anonymous said...

It's not Cardo who is doing all of this investigating for hidden funds lol. She hired a law firm. That's what THEY do. For her to just "let it go" then she would be wasting money She spent on legal fees. It's simple, she hired a law firm, they hire a financial investigator. She sits back and let's THEM handle this. I

Anonymous said...

@10:05 So if Tasha was yt would you still want her to get a pass?

Because to me, and it seems like a lot others, color plays NO factor when you are a blatant liar, manipulator, and fraud like Tasha is. Im not even a Cardi fan but Cardi is correct in this. She admitted she lied, and Cardi gave her numerous chances not to get sued yet Tasha got even worse trying to please Nikki who hasn't , not that we know of, helped pay a single dime. So why would you want a con artist and liar like Tasha win? Cardi did no wrong here.

Now is Cardi guilty of other things involving other people, absolutely, but that has NOTHING to do with Tasha deliberately lying for clicks and clout. One of the reasons we can't advance as a people is because we keep protecting the gutter snipes that do wrong and hide behind "blackness" instead of morality and ethics.

It's interesting you want the self admitted bad guy to win. When out of Tasha' own mouth she admitted she lied without provocation and showed herself in Africa hiding money.Tasha is mortally bankrupt and you seem to fully support that.🧐 If she viciously lied on you and your child continously to make herself rich and you did nothing to provoke it and did not even know her, but she publically launched a hate campaign against you to make someone else happy and herself rich off your back would that be okay and you just let it go? If a complete stranger that you never met lied continously on you on a public platform and was intentionally making you miserable so she could get clicks and fame while trying to destroy everything you worked so hard for and dragged your innoncet kid into it, would you be ok and let it go?🤔 You would want a liar, schemer, narrasicst manipulator to win over you???

Anonymous said...

She's going to spend 4 mil. Chasing 4 mil,

Anonymous said...

Cardi got deep pockets. It's not about the money. It's the principle of the matter. Tasha tried to destroy Cardi for no real reason. So Cardi returing what Tasha tried to do to her. If she didn't Tasha absolutely would continue on her malicious path. She still talking sh!t so Tasha deserves all this karma and more.

Anonymous said...

Get your money Cardi, hopefully you have great lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Y’all crazy as hell mad at that girl for going after money that is owed to her. Her marriage has nothing to do with that woman owing her money

Anonymous said...

But Tasha didn’t lie…. It will come out in the future that she was unwilling to throw the source under the bus and Cardi had medical reports from a different doctor than pre specified. I hope cardi never gets a cent.

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