Friday, May 03, 2024

Byron Allen Begins Company Wide Lay Offs

Earlier this week it was reported that Byron Allen's Allen Media Group was cutting staffing at The Grio blog [click here if you missed that].

Apparently the layoffs are company wide...

From The Wrap
Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group has begun layoffs across every division of the company, which includes The Weather Channel, The Grio and Freestyle Digital Media, a rep for the company told TheWrap on Thursday.
“Allen Media Group is making strategic changes to better position the company for growth that will result in expense and workforce reductions across all divisions of the company,” read the statement, dated Monday. That’s when cuts at TheGrio, a multi-platform media outlet catering to Black Americans, were first reported.
“Allen Media Group’s brands continue to perform well and in many areas our revenue growth has greatly outpaced the market. We are aligning these changes to drive future business opportunities and support our growth strategies in our rapidly evolving industry,” the statement, which was shared with TheWrap again on Thursday, concluded.


LOLOL said...

Not feeling Black ppl who say they want to support and up lift the Black community but marry Yt. That's a conflict of interest to me. I need you to say and show all the Blackness to the bone. Period

Anonymous said...

9 :13, Bob Marley, Frederick Douglas, Robert Church, and Maggie Walker were all mixed race and all dedicated to Black improvement. Maggie, a mixed woman, did more for the entire Black race than 20 million so called "Black to the bone people" combined. Spirituality has nothing to do with color, nor does righteousnes. When folks were fighting for freedom, most of the traitors looked like you. Dr. Kings enemies looked like you. So what does color have to do with righteousness?

When whites would not bank with blacks or give them mortgages, Maggie opened a bank and provided homes and business loans to folks who had nothing and there was guarantee she'd every see her money again. You wouldn't loan a Black person a crumpled 5 without having a fit.

LOLOL said...

^ Good for you knowing your history. That's how I feel about it and I'm sticking to it. My experiences not yours.

Anonymous said...

Two things can be true at the same time. Blacks who marry outside the race have helped the race. Those same people are also part of the problem.

Good luck Byron. Everyone is cutting back. Its called a depression.

Anonymous said...

Nice Tux

Anonymous said...

Byron is the Man… In this world.

Anonymous said...

I have two Black parents and four Black grandparents but Ancestry says I'm 51% white. Calling someone mixed race is meaningless. Unless our foremothers made it through slavery without getting ra--ped we're all mixed race.

LOLOL said...

^ When PoPo rolls up on you will they treat you like a Yt person (with respect) or Black (fear for your life)? How do you look? They will not stop and do a genealogy test to see if your 51% Yt. Our generations of slavery tell us we have been saturated unwilling with Yt blood. To them that does not make us equal to Yt's.

Anonymous said...

@10:54 Did I say I look white because I absolutely do not. My face reflects my Black genes but my DNA is hiding something else. We're all mixed race.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you LOLO. My problem is that these men use their blackness to push their cause (whatever that may be) but they don't marry the type of women they claim they represent. That doesn't work for me either.

I just don't support them and feel no need to justify my reasoning to anyone.

I just wanted you to know I hear you loudly and clearly, LOLO

LOLOL said...

^ 11:53 AM, Thank you, stand tall with your Blackness.

Anonymous said...

I’m with you too LOLOL. As I say every time he comes up… yeah, he “supports” the community but his real wealth goes straight to yt.

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