Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Black MAGA at War with Each Other

Last year Kanye West's former publicist Trevian Kutti was indicted, along with Donald Trump, on election interference charges in Fulton County, GA after Kutti was accused of threatening poll worker Ruby Freeman with jail time, if she didn't admit committing election fraud to help Joe Biden win Fulton County [click here if you missed that].

Trump surrogate Angela Stanton pins the Ruby Freeman debacle squarely on Trevian claiming Trump had no idea what she was up to and that she initially tried to get her to confront Ruby Freeman...

Fun Fact: Back in February Trevian was one of several Black Voices for Trump who were kicked out of a MAGA chatroom for being Black [click here if you missed that].


R in NYC said...

All these tragic hoez looking stupid ova Demented Donnie. Just trifling.

The King Of The Real said...

Black MAGA is the corniest thing ever.

Anonymous said...

Check the last segment of the top paragraph.

Anonymous said...

So possibly going to jail for dump who could care less if you are alive or dead just crazy.

Anonymous said...

Y’all so obsessed with us Trump supporters… focus on your own losing team! We in the winners circle over here! Can’t wait til the first debate so y’all can finally accept it’s over!
Democrats lost the last of the black supporters y’all had due to illegal immigration.
Blacks will vote Republican for the next 1000 years.

Anonymous said...

12:09 no one curr about dumb Trumpers not even Trump. Bwahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I’m glad I don’t know none of these people.

Anonymous said...

No one's obsessed with black Trump supporters. It's curiousity. What would make any descendent of American slaves serve the interests of a man who doesn't even think blacks are worthy enough to live in his buildings? He'll accept your vote but wouldn't allow you in any of his social circles. Your great-great-grandmamas would be ashamed of you.

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