Thursday, May 02, 2024

Beyoncé & Jay Z Catch the Train in Japan

Beyoncé shares a photo set from a recent date night in Japan, with hubby Jay Z,  that included a ride on public transportation...


Anonymous said...

This is at least 2 weeks old!

Anonymous said...

Next up, an album in Japanese.

Chelle said...

That white hair washes her out so much.

R in NYC said...

The wigs....stop it Bey!
So they're just like you and me huh?

Anonymous said...

This outfit is awful! 😫

LOLOL said...

Public train to private jet MMMMMMMmmmm....I need to see a picture of them on the train.

Anonymous said...

Why does she look like a stepford wife whenever she is around that man? Does she blink in his presence?

Anonymous said...

Beyonce looks like Kim Kardashian. Betonce started going to Kim's drs about 10 years ago and hasn't looked the same since.

Anonymous said...

Try that on Amtrak.

Anonymous said...

The white wig does age her…

Anonymous said...

They forever look goofy and staged, never natural and casual. I don't think I've ever seen them embrace. And that whole train scene looked like 1st grader's first Photoshop effort.


@9:15 Please don't tickle me this morning. When are they coming back to the US?

Sandra Rose said...

I'm so sick of it, people getting Beyonce mixed up with Wendy Williams. They look nothing alike..nothing original.

Anonymous said...

Assuming she’s already back in America bc nobody should be sending pics while they are abroad and away from their homes.

Anonymous said...

@2:55 are you the real Sandra hatin' Rose?

No Chiraq said...

I ♡ her outfit.

Anonymous said...

If she don't take that wig off. We've seen she has a rich mane of hair.

Anonymous said...

Poor Beyonce. What s terrible life.

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