Saturday, May 25, 2024

Antonio Brown Files for Bankruptcy

For the past few years retired NFL player Antonio Brown has been dogged by delinquent child support payments [click here if you missed that]. 

Now AB has filed for bankruptcy...

Antonio broke the news via his own news media outlet CTESPN Network. 


R in NYC said...

Smdh......this man is all kinds of looney.
Burned through all his money acting the fool.

Anonymous said...

LMAO bruh, bankruptcy doesn't get rid of child support debt!!

No Chiraq said...

Filing doesn't get of h*rp*es

Anonymous said...

When being a smug, uncouth idiot goes wrong!!!!! Out here working overtime to be a whole jerk.

Anonymous said...

He needs to write a book on how to become the biggest loser in less than a decade. It should be entitled: How I Became The Biggest Loser In Less Than A Decade.

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