Sunday, May 12, 2024

Anita Baker Cancels Atlanta Concert Last Minute

Anita Baker under fire for canceling Atlanta Mother's Day weekend concert just minutes before show time...


Chelle said...

I think that was jacked up of her.
Mothers Day at that. The show must go on.

No Chiraq said...

Too bad Baby Face did not remain on the lineup.
He would have played for 2 hours!

No Chiraq said...

Who does she think she is Lauren Hill???

No Chiraq said...

Who does she think she is Lauren Hill???

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go see AB for free. I never thought of her as a vocalist--she can't sing; she just got good material.

Anonymous said...

Anita should be shame of herself smmfh

R in NYC said...

Id never pay to see her either. Heard she has a stank attitude.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:56 AM 🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Snitch’ll be posting Anita’s rebuttal… her clap backs are viscous!

Anonymous said...

It is what the crowd get for still buying tickets to see her. Only way you can enjoy her music is on the radio

LOLOL said...

She old and may be sick or had another Stroke. It happens. Always have a backup plan. Go see Kandi and them at the "Ole Lady Gang" restaurant. LOLO

Anonymous said...

That's wicked. Forever cancelled!

Anonymous said...

That’s messed up. I saw her in concert and me and my mom loved it. But we’d be pissed if this happened to us

Anonymous said...

Diana Ross performed that same night at Chastain and the show started at 8PM on the dot. I saw AB in Atlanta last year on Valentine's Day and I said I was through with her after the Baby Face shenanigans. Glad I didn't fall for her bs this year.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather wait 2 hours for Anita than to go to an on-time concert for Ross. Can't even compare the two of them.

That said, maybe it's tiime for Auntie Anita to retire.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Baker, sit in the corner with Ms. Hill.

Anonymous said...

I hope the cancellation was due to an unforeseen personal emergency and not unnecessary diva theatrics. Prayers to all involved.

Anonymous said...

Don't know why she cancelled & really don't care. She's always been a nasty piece of work. Personally I don't like her voice & don't think she can sing.

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