Saturday, May 25, 2024

AMC Movie Theaters CEO Betrayed Beyoncé in Favor of Taylor Swift

AMC Movie Theaters CEO admits leaking Beyoncé Renaissance concert film news after keeping Taylor Swift's Eras concert film a secret...

From Variety
Adam Aron, the CEO of AMC Theatres, expects that AMC will unveil “two to three” concert films a year and recently expanded the company’s distribution team, underscoring its commitment to releasing its own movies.
Hollywood studios, which regularly work with AMC, aren’t thrilled about the chain’s foray into distribution, feeling that the exhibitor is encroaching on their territory. Theater owners, too, feel slighted by the arrangements with Taylor Swift and Beyoncé. AMC was the only chain to know about the existence of those films in advance, so it could put tickets on sale first.
“We couldn’t blow Taylor’s secret,” Aron explains. “And those theater chains who groused to you? They grossed $100 million in ticket sales. It’s not like they sold diddly.”
To soothe bruised feelings, before Beyoncé’s film went on sale, AMC gave its competition a super-secret heads-up: Don’t tell anyone, but be ready to put tickets on sale.
“At least half a dozen movie circuits leaked the news,” Aron laments. “Beyoncé was seriously thinking about not doing the movie at all because the secret was blown. So, they didn’t keep their word.”


R in NYC said...

Poor Beyodel getting betrayed. She never betrays anyone. Never steals others work or hoo hoo.😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

That's a form of discrimination why keep the white a secret but not the black

Anonymous said...

Racist behavior

Anonymous said...

That’s why TS ain’t doodlie squat

Anonymous said...

They will be licking our boots soon enough. Hand maids and servants they will be

Anonymous said...

Everything isn't racism. Sometimes it's just money. Taylor made the most money on that Eras tour.

Anonymous said...

Whose fans spend more money?

Anonymous said...

Of course TS made more on tour, she did double the dates and Beyoncé only did about 52-54 dates and made a little over half a billion. So even with that Beyoncé really made more with less touring dates

Anonymous said...

Of course TS fans spend more money when she will release the same album with 3-4 different album covers and even sell a cassette version. That, and her tour was much longer like someone mentioned above. All of that is still not an excuse for AMC to leak Beyonce’s film. Smh

Anonymous said...

That is the most horrible thing I've ever heard in my life.😴

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You Beyawnce stans always crying. Shut up. Taylor outsold your country bumpkin. Now go shake your head at that.

Anonymous said...

9:08 AM is a hater and very proficient at it,

Anonymous said...

Beyonce's face looks photoshopped in the post picture. Seems it made they are wax figures. The faces are off 🧐

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