Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Amber Rose Endorses Donald Trump

Amber Rose comes out in support of Donald Trump for president...


Anonymous said...

No surprise at all. She'll do anything for attention. Next.

R in NYC said...

So friggin what. Now if she was backing a porn company that would make more sense.

Good morning RWS!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, sure. I’m going to vote for a man to be president of the government. He tried to overthrow. Make it make sense. This is all about money and getting your hands on the money and resources and destroying and Displacing the working class. Trump four years ago, he was summarily rejected by the American people. He lost the popular vote. He lost the electoral vote, but refused to except the results. So he tried to overthrow the government. And you and I both know that if it was black folk climbing the wall in Washington DC that day they would’ve been a river of black blood flowing through this country. If you want a country for your children and grandchildren to live in, you would not be voting for Trump. Nothing Qualified Trump to be president. back him because Putin wants to be the world leader and displace America. And the fact that he is a racist, and adulterer, criminally indicted over 80 times And about to be convicted and in election fraud where he paid $130,000 to a stripper to keep their affair private from his wife who had just given birth days, weeks, this man needs to be as far away from the presidency as possible, but because the love of money is the rut of evil. He has a shot with idiot, who failed that being a slut endorses him. I mean, who is listening to her, anyway?

R in NYC said...

Standing ovation @ 6:48
Well said.

Anonymous said...

Who pays her any attention?

Anonymous said...

Trying to recruit Melania for her slut walk.

Anonymous said...

Good comments

Anonymous said...

Biden IS NOT fit to run this country, checking the mail is probably hard for him!!!! He has destroyed our country. We have millions of people in this country that have not been vetted!!! Interest rates are so high, people can’t afford to think, much less have the American dream!!!! It amazes me that people still support him. He is a destructive force to our country. No one ever wants to talk about Biden racism! How soon we forget that this former republican said our black men were savages, but go off,,,

Anonymous said...

@8:44 Biden is too old to run and so is Trump. But since I have to pick one of them, it''s going to be the one that's not going to pack the Supreme Court with more right wing racists who want to curtail more of my God-given rights.

Anonymous said...

@8:44 AM… well said, well said! Speak the truth! And they still can’t name you one of biden’s policy that they like, & can’t name you one thing that biden & Obama did for the black community… not one!
They think biden is a sweetheart since he’s a senile old man now. That’s punishment for his younger years!
Trump 2024! Get in the winners circle!

Anonymous said...

My whole thing with those who are bashing candidates. The American political is already set up and it’s already done. Instead of bashing those who have the courage to even enter politics, why don’t you become a candidate yourself? Why don’t you become the candidate that you want or need? No. It’s too easy to criticize others.

Or not you only got two choices. Maybe three if you choose not to vote. But that would be a travesty. Your voice is your voice and even if you don’t win, it is hurt. Those who don’t vote and is in insistent upon passing the candidates , all country to run like a well machine. What’s your contribution? I’m sick of all this candidate bashing, and shit.

You knew Biden was old. One thing missing from these younger folks, especially is the respect for what has come for them. They have no respect because they feel their lives didn’t work out, so instead they see to cancel history. If you don’t like Biden or Trump, the candidate you want and need to be. You only get two. But you young folk don’t have the courage to put into work, yet you want to dishonor those who do.

Too old? Too old to do what. He’s doing a damn good job of keeping this country together. None of us with any age on us or who we once were. None of us want to be punished in maligned for decisions we made when we were younger, when we had different information.

Trump is old. But at least Biden is not a criminal, Biden never tried to overthrow the US government. Didn’t ratpe women In a department store. Biden didn’t cheat on his wife. Biden didn’t try to hush up to women from coming with their affairs. Biden doesn’t have any felony counts indictment. Biden is not on the brink of being convicted of election fraud by silencing a stripper.. Get out of the past. It’s not even the 20th century anymore, it’s the 21st century. Living the past is no reason or excuse for not seeing the truth of today in the future.

Anonymous said...

One thing that baffles me is that Hillary Clinton took a lot of crap for her for laundering husband. They demanded her to leave her husband and all that. How come no one is demanding Maliyah to leave Trump for sleeping with a stripper days after she gave birth, or grabbing women by the You know what? Hypocrites. Trump is a criminal point-blank. And no criminal deserves to be the president of the United States. I don’t care how much you hate Democrats. Best your hypocrites and racist. You would never support a black man who criminal to be president of the United States. Go sit down with that Trump crap.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:17 AM… so you’re going to pick the one that’s going to pack the country with illegal criminals & terrorist… smh.
Just last month 29K Chinese military aged men entered the country illegally. They sending armies & sleeper cells over here & y’all still mad about some mean tweets!
Econ wasn’t y’all strongest class in school.
The George Floyd riots were waaay worse than January 6.
All in the name of getting tv’s, liquor, & new furniture.
But the January 6ers are the terrorist? At least they stood up for the country & not for a pair of Jordan’s!

Anonymous said...

9:32 shut your racist, misinformed arse up! Too early for this tomfoolery.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:31 AM… we don’t hate democrats. I’m non partisan. I know that democrats are not for black people & are only for their personal gain. I know a lot of behind the scenes stuff so ain’t nothing you can tell me.
You don’t believe what you’re saying. You’re just on payroll.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:32 AM…. Misinformed on what? I’m black how am I racist? Cause I’m telling the truth?
Give us some of Biden’s policies that you like?
You wasting time, Trump has already won! 😉

Anonymous said...

@ 9:32AM

When Trump loses AGAIN in November, prepare yourself for more riots by Confederate flag waving "patriots".

Anonymous said...

So you wanna kill affirmative action and DEI? How about we kill the patriarchy? How about we kill white privilege and entitlement? This man in our politics has set our country back 50 years. To them America was great when only white men had power. Not their women. Not brown People. Not Black people. Only white men had power. To them that’s when America was great.

To me. America was great in the 70s, coming off of CIVIL RIGHTS. Everybody had a place and they were comfortable in it. No one was offended if you lived among your own people had a shot at American dream. But they clouded our judgment by waving wealth to us in the 80s and we bought into it. Today we celebrate entrepreneurs, but not the doctors, the teachers, the sociologist, and people who generally want to make life better for others. Today we celebrate those who only wanna make money expensive everybody else, and steal what they did not earn , a man would have the privilege of stealing an election, losing it, attempted to overthrow the government and the will of the people that said hell no, GTFOH. And now he’s running to stay out of prison, and bring in the country on its brink of disaster. Katt Williams had it right. America is being exposed as well.

Anonymous said...

Yep Trump gonna win again.

Anonymous said...

Amber Rose, sexy red yup dump has some true winners from the black community representing LOL

Anonymous said...

How is Biden too old when Trump is virtually the same age? Trump can''t even stay awake during his own trial.

Anonymous said...

Lowering Costs of Families’ Everyday Expenses

More People Are Working Than At Any Point in American History

Making More in America

Rescued the Economy and Changed the Course of the Pandemic

Rebuilding our Infrastructure

Historic Expansion of Benefits and Services for Toxic Exposed Veterans

The First Meaningful Gun Violence Reduction Legislation in 30 Years

Protected Marriage for LGBTQI+ and Interracial Couples

Historic Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson and Federal Judges of Diverse Backgrounds

Rallied the World to Support Ukraine in Response to Putin’s Aggression

Strengthened Alliances and Partnerships to Deliver for the American People

Successful Counterterrorism Missions Against the Leaders of Al Qaeda and ISIS

Executive Orders Protecting Reproductive Rights

Historic Student Debt Relief for Middle- and Working-Class Families

Ending our Failed Approach to Marijuana

Advancing Equity and Racial Justice, Including Historic Criminal Justice Reform

Delivering on the Most Aggressive Climate and Environmental Justice Agenda in American History

More People with Health Insurance Than Ever Before

Anonymous said...

Those are some of the accomplishments of the Biden presidency. It’s on the White House website.

Love Trump if you want to, but don’t act like Biden is the president from hell. Especially if you’re not acknowledge the fact that Trump is the candidate from hell, and it’s only there through White privilege and entitlement And to Lose their place as this world’s leader, so that Putin can have it. Why do you think he invested so much in American politics in the first place. Why do you think the Republican party is deteriorating and descending into something unrecognizable unusual, and unthinkable.. Don’t be fooled and blinded by the $or think that these rich men really have your well-being at heart. They need your support so they can institute the programs and policies and rules and laws that benefit and protect them. Meanwhile, each of us pays them more and more to get less and less. All money ain’t good money. The love of money is the root of all evil. And you don’t see these wealthy people doing anything good for humanity with their money. They are doing what is good for them and their families. So keep that in mind when you’re worshiping wealthy people. When was the last time they gave you anything? But they know that they need sellouts in every community. Sellouts are the cancer of the community. And they count on cell out to further their agenda.

For many years in America power was in the hands of the people. And this is why we got lost past that BENEFITS everybody in this country today. Now, the oligarchs want to run this nation and they are seducing you with all kind of wealth and luxury. They want you to hate socialism, when it’s capitalism that is taking your stuff.

Don’t be fooled by the clout chases. And the only political advice you should be taking is for the research that you’ve done on your own behalf. Certainly not these thirsty celebrities these days who only want attention because they have recognized, as with Donald Trump, The worst you behave the more you get.

Do your own research there are only two main parties in this country. One party works for the people. The other party works for corporations. And corporations are not people. And please stop voting against your interest. Trust me when the stuff has the fans, these wealthy people are going to be running to their bunkers and leaving you out here to fend for yourself. so you need to vote for the party that most closely align with your morals, ethics, values, and love for humanity.

Anonymous said...

Black people kill me, thinking that if they align themselves with 45 and the QOP, that they'll be protected from the blowback somehow. Ask Herman Cain how that worked out.

LOLOL said...

It's okay. It's her Yt side calling out the loudest. Blacks don't really see her. Remember she only F*(ks the Black men and have their baby's.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 10:35. Sellout are just the worst too

Anonymous said...

All these Sandra Rose Trump loving escapees need to exit stage right.

Anonymous said...

Trump 2024!!!

Anonymous said...

Amber is a smart blonde!
#Blacks4Trump2024# let’s go!
Trump winning by a landslide!

Anonymous said...

Snitch you should post more on biden since you want him to win, but I understand… ain’t much to Post.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:51 AM… never been on Sandra rose. Quit being a hater! Biden brings absolutely nothing to the table. Trump already flipped all 7 swing states! Quit worrying about us & Trump & find y’all a viable candidate for 2028 cause it’s over for 2024! The election won’t even be close! We laughing @ y’all!!!! Sore losers!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a free country that's still has racist under tones and laws.

Anonymous said...

The bigger question is why are 2.4 million people following her? What does she contribute to society?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me...24Million. Even worse.

No Chiraq said...

Hoping Amber walks away with more cash than Stormy

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that the Republican trolls and bots haven't invaded RWS (yet).

Honestly, I'm really agitated and frustrated by what Biden, and the Democrats, hasn't been able to accomplish. Under Biden, we lost Row v Wade, DEI, and affirmative action. At this point, we (BLACK AMERICANS) need to start organizing the black vote. We need to come together and barter our votes for results; the same way that the Jews, the LGBTQ, Hispanics/immigrants etc do; the Democrats have taken our vote (black Americans) for granted and just assume that we won't vote for a racist, radical, treasonous criminal, but, I don't think the Democrats understand how much we've lost or tolerated.

The voting rights act has been gutted and the black ppl in those southern states are losing more rights thanks to the (illegal) redlining and gerrymandering that the Republicans have learned to weaponize. And let's discuss Florida; how is DeSatan able to run that state like its it's own republic - free from federal laws? And let's not even get into how blacks lost affirmative action and DEI initiatives. Let's not talk about how women lost their reproductive rights, which disproportionately affects black women. Biden hasn't done anything to earn a second term. And as much as I identify with what Democrats are *supposed to* represent, I can't in good conscience vote for Biden; he hasn't done enough to protect Americans, in general, or black ppl, specifically; he's essentially a corporate placeholder: meant to hold things together temporarily until someone more qualified comes around. And then this Gaza/Israel shyt is literally pissing me off daily; how is it that we're still allowing Israel to receive billions in aid, while black communities are overrun with immigrants? How is it that Israel has free healthcare, free education and autonomy off of our billions in taxes? And the fact that there have been Zionist Jews who have actively censored and retaliated against college students for speaking out against Israel is an abomination and a stain on our rights to freedom of speech! Like, so many rights and freedoms have been taken during Biden's administration that I can't even blame ppl like Cardi or Amber Rose for not voting for Biden.

...but, I will say this, if Biden somehow gets a second term, he had better go balls to the wall on turning this country around. Like, imma need him to have the same IDGAF energy as Trump; Im talking executive orders on abortion/reproductive rights, affirmative action, enacting sanctions on southern states who attempt to redline or gerrymander districts, enacting federal laws blocking foreign entities from owning property in the U.S., record high taxes on corporations and anyone earning over $500k. Democrats have to prove that they are worthy of our support, and they haven't for a long time. We need to start putting pressure on these candidates and letting them know that we will let this country become a shythole if they don't meet our demands. Period.

Anonymous said...

@8:44am - I forgot about when he said that about black man,smh
Why couldnt we get a Bernie Sander or That Kennedy
guy ?

Anonymous said...

Well written 2:03 PM. I'm with you on every, single word. People act like everyone who is Black has to automatically vote for Biden but they refuse to understand some of us aren't blind to the facts.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter who wins. They're all on the same team. Now go smoke that.

Anonymous said...

Its weird how some of yall think something has to say its specifically for Black people before you see it as a benefit.

What about freedom of choice and expanded medicade and funding public schools instead of sending that money via vouchers to private schools?

And while i believe most yts of a certain age were raised racist Biden was never sued for refusing to rent to Black people like Trump who's daddy was literally in the dam KKK.

Don't fall for the banana in tail pipe people. One group is working for all Americans while the other is actively working against black brown and queer folk.

Choose wisely in Roevember.

Anonymous said...

Do your research: Heritage Foundation. The Koch Briothers, especially the one left and PROJECT 2025.

PROJECT 2025. Make THAT go viral.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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