Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Afonso Riberio Shades Tyler Perry?

Alfonso Riberio appears to shade movie mogul Tyler Perry...

Fun Fact: Riberio has worked with Perry in the past, directing several episodes of "Meet the Browns." 


LOLOL said...

Alfonso is lucky to have a job. He can't shade nobody after gaining 60ty pounds. All he's noted for after the Fresh Prince of Belair is that Yt dance he does with his little, short arms waving back and forth. The younger generation don't remember his 5 second commercial with MJ. Was that a Pepsi commercial?

Anonymous said...

Alfonso just throwing job ops right out the window. Yt excess got him feeling real cozy in that game show gig.

Anonymous said...

Sit down Carlton.

Anonymous said...

Seems like these two could like the same things.

Anonymous said...

He said what he said. Carlton is eating just fine. The person who wrote the initial post needs to sit down.

Anonymous said...

Alphie go somewhere and do yo dance.

Anonymous said...

He's good.
He has a long-running Sunday family show.

Anonymous said...

Al said he had enough putting up with Will all them years. He will not dance in his drawers for Tyler. He has enough going on.

Anonymous said...

Even Carlton want no parts of Tyler Petty. Can’t blame him.

Anonymous said...

Everybody not giving up they Booch to Tyler P.

Anonymous said...

Carleton was a Broadway star before the Fresh Prince and now he's a major part of ABC's family lineup. He don't need no slapstick Tyler Perry project. His family eats good every night.

Anonymous said...

Translation: I don't do the Chit'lin' Circuit.

R in NYC said...

Yeah he's not down with any Tyler Perry coonery.

Anonymous said...

@7:31pm ,
I think that is the answer
Mr Perry seems like the Queen type behind the scenes
And he is probably cheap and tight with the money
When he cant piggy back off of you
Exploit or control or manipulate a person
In all aspects (if you know what I mean)
Carlton knows his worth
And I dont blame him
Everybody do not want to sell their souls
All the time

Anonymous said...

Alphie wants to keep his life as yt as possible

Anonymous said...

His career his choice and he seems to be doing fine

Vernell said...

Alphonso made the decision, to Stand On Business ~ No With Tyler Perry With His MONKEY Business!!! We All Know Why, HE SAID WHAT HE SAID!!!

Anonymous said...

Ain't selling the bussy

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there is a lot about Tyler that we do not know so Alfonso is entitled to his opinion. I just hope he has a good retirement plan.

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