Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Trump Viral Chick-Fil-A Photo Op Was Staged

I saw somebody in the comment section ask me to campaign for Donald Trump. I'll do my best. 

Last week Donald Trump stopped by a Chick-Fil-A in the predominately Black Vine City neighborhood in Atlanta where he was photographed being enthusiastically embraced by a young Black woman.  

Apparently the spontaneous show of support in the Black community was a staged photo-op by conservative activist Michaelah Montgomery and she wants her credit...

From Fox 5
"People find it so hard to believe that there are young Black people who would have loved the opportunity to meet Trump," said Michaelah Montgomery, a conservative activist and founder of Conserve the Culture, which recruits and educates college students and young alumni at Atlanta’s historically Black colleges and universities.
Montgomery, a former Georgia Republican Party staffer who regularly coordinates events for HBCU students open to conservative ideas to meet with politicians and activists, said she was notified earlier in the week that Trump would visit Atlanta’s Vine City neighborhood during his trip to host a high-dollar fundraiser in the city. She notified a private group chat of students she uses to coordinate events and job opportunities about the president’s visit. She received immediate interest in appearing alongside him from around a dozen students.
"Everybody got together at around 9:30 in the morning and walked on over to the Chick-fil-A, and then we sat there and waited until the president showed up," said Montgomery, who can be seen embracing the former president in multiple viral videos. "It’s really disheartening to see that the media makes it seem like we just stumbled into a Chick-fil-A, and he bought us milkshakes."

Meanwhile one of Donald Trump's staunches supporters, Angela Stanton, who alienated many in her community by fiercely campaigning for Trump for many years, for free, and runs "Auntie Angie's House," a non-profit support center for expectant mothers in Vine City, just a few blocks over from the Chick-Fil-A, was rightfully insulted after failing to secure a visit or position in the Trump campaign and being faced with the ultimatum of keeping "Auntie Angie's" doors open or accepting a paid consulting position with Bobby Kennedy's campaign. Angela chose the latter.


Anonymous said...

We don't need Trump and we don't need Kennedy.

Anonymous said...

Staging is a problem within itself. For political reasons is tragic. Where is the self respect of doing something because it’s true and what you actually believe in?

R in NYC said...

Snitch got jokes 🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

I wanted to give her the benefit so I watched that entire video just so you didn't have to. To sum it up, she got her n!gga wake-up call but she's still making excuses for the Orange idiot claiming it's not his fault, it's his team. I'd have more respect for her if she just said I appreciate his pardon, I made a mistake aligning with him this long but he's not clearly not for Black people so I'm moving on. No, that didn't happen. It's still I LOVE TRUMP. Girl bye. She's stupid.

Anonymous said...

I don't care. I'm not voting.

Anonymous said...

10:41 You never vote so why are you announcing it this year?

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious how these dumb Trumpsters remain oblivious to the fact that they're just used as tokens, pawns and photo opps. They deserve all the embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

45 pretty much sh*ts on anyone close to him. If you're dumb enough to align with him in 2024, you deserve whatever happens to you.

Anonymous said...

So I take it everyone around this plantation voted for Biden and Kamala.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, he had a hot shower and burnt that suit once he got home. Lol!

Anonymous said...

11:08 we sure in tf didn't vote for the overseers

Anonymous said...

11:08AM: Sure didn't, and I wasn't stupid enough to vote for the former plantation master either. There is such a thing as a third party candidate.

Anonymous said...

People of color swear Trump loves them, he is using you. Try to show up at one of his properties and see how his people treat you via his orders.

Anonymous said...

11:32 You can vote for whoever you choose that's your right, but tell me one third party candidate that won a presidential election? you can "stick to the man" with your third party vote, but me I'm voting for the more compassionate party that wants to expand medicade for the uninsured fund public schools keep social security in place and protect a woman's right to choose and I don't have to like the candidates who are running to do that.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to tell you nothing. We know Americans really only have two options despite the horse and pony show. But if you're so confident about your favorite party's abilities to win there's no need to come here and recruit. Get off my lawn!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for playing. Next!

Anonymous said...

Snitch you funny as hel!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Trump made a pit stop in Harlem yesterday @ a local bodega after his court nap 😴 Incase you missed it. He was greeted with thunderous applause & chants from the locals. He even had the chopped cheese the “Ocky Way!”
Can’t forget the orange beverage… Never never never!

Anonymous said...

12:31 in Harlem with nary a Black face in the crowd

Anonymous said...

Trump has already won the election! We just passing the time. The open borders was the nail in the coffin for the Dems! Except your “L” & prepare for 2028 when Vivek Ramaswamy runs for President!
Y’all better have a solid candidate cause Vivek is Trump & Obama rolled into one!
I can’t wait til he gives Kamala the flux in the debate this year!

Anonymous said...

@ 12.37 PM… I didn’t say it was, but Trump will get the black Harlem vote regardless. He already got the Latino vote in the Bronx on lock!
Trump will win New Yawk period!
He has already flipped 7 swing states during the primary!
My man’s is a winner!
Y’all better get in the winners circle!

Anonymous said...

12:04 here go those recruiters you were talking about. does the logic still stand?

Anonymous said...

Sleepy Joe’s entire presidency was staged! Every time he meets with so called black leaders, church folk, & blacks it’s staged.
biden is the worst president since Jimmy Carter.
Jimmy Carter can die happy now.

Anonymous said...

Most of you arguing about candidates but probably can’t name the three branches of government amd how they work.

Most Black Republicans in the public eye have a criminal or grifting history, Angela Stanton included.

Anonymous said...

@12:50 Go make sure that your orange messiah isn’t sleeping in court again. Talking about sleepy Joe that orange beyotch can’t even keep his head up. Ol nodding beyotch

Anonymous said...

@1:17 🛑 Stop with the sleepy Joe 💩 when we all witnessed Trump fighting to stay woke. He could not keep that big azz 🍊 head up ,What a disgrace nodding off in public.

Anonymous said...

@1:17 Correction you must have meant “Sleepy Don” there I fixed it. No need to thank me, trust & believe it was my pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Trump probably in court today on that NoDoz pill. 😂😂😂😂😂

Anonymous said...

@11:08 I wanna see yo 🐒 azz sit to the big table with Trump & the good ole boyz. Yeah it’s not going to happen. When Trump gets that one pathetic vote from you he will discard you like the trash 🚮 U are. They wasn’t lying when they say “one is born every minute “

Anonymous said...

I’m sure the other world leaders around the world is shaking in their boots when they saw Trump asleep in court. MAGA fearless leader at his best.😂

Anonymous said...

Imma get hypnotized by a 3rd... 👁️🪄😵‍💫

Anonymous said...

The Don Snoreleone!!!
That’s a great hit right there!!

Anonymous said...

@ 12:50

Trump couldn't win at the height of his popularity in 2020. You thought J6 was bad. Y'all gonna lose y'all mind win he gets trounced again.

Anonymous said...

11:23, that part.

Anonymous said...

The pic says everything you need to know about him, her and this staging. Girl boo.

DaisyDooks said...

Interesting story...

DaisyDooks said...

@10:41am, I don't blame you.

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