Monday, April 15, 2024

Rahsaan Patterson Forced to Demand Inclusion in Kids Incorporated Article

Recording artist Rahsaan Patterson starred on the children's show, "Kid's Incorporated," as The Kid from 1984 to 1987. 


Anonymous said...

Rahsaan Patterson is an incredible singer/songwriter. He had a moment in the 90s.

I believe he's also the alleged former BF of Tevin Campbell.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Children singing that grown @ss song. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I love me some Rahsaan! He's so talented, chill and unproblematic but those are usually the people who get overlooked. I'm so glad he stood up and pointed out People's oversight. Here's to him getting more recognition. I would love to see him on an episode of TV One's Uncensored. We need that!

Anonymous said...

I've seen Rahsaan in concert before and he was ok. He can sing but I just didn't like how almost all the songs sounded the same. Didn't know he was on that show and it's a total slap in the face they overlooked him. Those YT people at PEOPLE should be ashamed. How could they not remember him? He was spicy as hell, even back then.

Anonymous said...

I like how they changed the lyrics to "friend" from "lover" because it was a kid's show. Nowadays, toddlers singing the lyrics to "Skeeyee" and no one bats an eye.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but they didn't change his lyrics to say girl instead of boy. Lol

Anonymous said...

As his talented self should.

Anonymous said...

I like him. He is one of the few entertainers who said that being sexually abused as a child impacted his sexuality and has something to do with him being homosexual. I respect his truth.

Anonymous said...

I like the song he wrote for Brandy, "Baby." Very talented guy!

Sunno said...

I used to and still do love this song.

Anonymous said...

How could they exclude the one Black kid? Anyway, Kids Inc was my show back in the day.

@5:45 I didn't know he was abused but I should have. Perhaps that's why he was initially excluded. They don't like it when the victims speak.

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