Friday, March 08, 2024

Oprah Producing a Special on Weight Loss Drugs

Last month Oprah Winfrey stepped down from the board of Weight Watchers after she admitted using weight loss drugs to shed pounds quickly [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Oprah is producing a TV special about weight loss drugs...

From Variety
Oprah Winfrey has set an hour-long ABC primetime special about weight loss drugs following her exit from the board of WeightWatchers after revealing her personal use of them. The special, titled “An Oprah Special: Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution,” will air later this month. Oprah recorded the special in front of a live studio audience and gathers medial experts to discuss weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, Mounjaro and Wegovy.
“It is a very personal topic for me and for the hundreds of millions of people impacted around the globe who have for years struggled with weight and obesity,” said Oprah in a statement. “This special will bring together medical experts, leaders in the space and people in the day-to-day struggle to talk about health equity and obesity with the intention to ultimately release the shame, judgment and stigma surrounding weight.”


Anonymous said...

Gotta wonder why she doesn't pass on some sh*t🤷🏾

Anonymous said...

Waiting for her to realize Ozempic is Fen Fen.

Anonymous said...

Dayam, you'd think she'd keep a lid on this weight-loss sensation for a while after the way she fronted for Weight Watchers.

She has cajones if she ain't got nothin' else. I guess it's all about the Benjamins with her.

Anonymous said...

Whatever, Bobblehead O.

Anonymous said...

@9:35 Please say it loud so these idiots understand this is just round two..30 years later.

Anonymous said...

This pathetic cow. She tried it back in the 90s. Lost weight and put it all back on. Once she takes care of her mommy and daddy issues, she will lose the weight.

Anonymous said...

Okay 10:37: FEN FEN

Anonymous said...

I think y'all are right. Here's a link to Fen-Fen (Fen-Phen) and it has some things in common with these new weight-loss drugs.

I should have known they'd just repackage some poison for people to take.

Anonymous said...

Her head still a size XXXL

Anonymous said...

Her big azz head wasn't made for that little azz body.

Anonymous said...

Her head's about to slide off her shoulders.

Anonymous said...

Ozempic is a diabetes drug, not a weight-loss drug. How is it another version of Fen-Fen? Media and celebrity really got some you thinking it’s for weight loss, and none of these celebrities shouldn’t have been taking it for that in the first place.

Anonymous said...

People better realize that all drugs have side effects. For anyone to be voluptuous their entire life and then become like a size 4/6 seems very dangerous. If you don't have diabetes but you are taking a chemical that works in the body to combat it, that's taking a risk. I wish Opera would not go public to advertise the drug because I feel it will be her downfall because not enough research has been done and millions trust her. I can totally see thousands of folks running to get on the drug and then experiencing severe complications. If I were a celeb, drugs are the 1 thing I'd never advertise. I'd never make money off of people trusting me to do anything dangerous.

Anonymous said...

^^^Oprah ^^^

mil262 said...

Why now? She is still trying to recover from her lying about not using a weight loss drug because that would be cheating.

No Chiraq said...

Oprah probably on Ozempics' board of directors

Anonymous said...

She a fake, always has been

Anonymous said...

At least she being honest.

Anonymous said...

She didn’t admit to taking a drug to lose weight until she was forced to and then she had to deal with breach of contract with Weight Watchers for taking a drug when she agreed not to in writing, so now she switches gears to make money off of drugs she is a drug pusher now, just like big pharma and Jay Z lol drug dealers

Anonymous said...

I don’t trust her. Never have, never will.

Anonymous said...

Tryna clean up her weight weighters LIE huh?

solylena said...

The well-known media mogul and prominent figure Oprah Winfrey is going to host a special program about prescription weight loss medications. This episode will examine the world of medications intended to help people manage their weight, looking at their efficacy, safety, and effects on people's lives. Because obesity is a worldwide health concern, Oprah's presentation intends to highlight the possible role that these drugs may play in halting the obesity pandemic. The show is anticipated to include in-depth research, firsthand accounts, and professional viewpoints to provide viewers a thorough grasp of the advantages and drawbacks of weight reduction medications. Oprah's participation in this initiative demonstrates her dedication to advancing wellness and health, best place to buy ozempic uk and her special has the ability to influence viewpoints on weight reduction methods and start meaningful discussions.

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