Tuesday, March 12, 2024

AE Million Dollar Shopping Sprees Triggered Cher Conservator Talk?

Last week there were rumors that pop star Cher's children, Chaz and Elijah Blue, wanted to put her in a conservatorship over concerns about her decades younger boyfriend, music exec Alexander "AE" Edwards [click here if you missed that].

Apparently Chaz and Elijah are upset that their mom has splashed out over a million dollars lavishing gifts on her latest boy toy...

Cher’s son, Elijah Blue has his doubts about the true intentions of her boy toy, Alexander “AE” Edwards, and NOW we know why! According to our source, Cher has been spoiling her 40-years-younger boyfriend with expensive trinkets of her affection, including, but not limited to, shopping sprees at her favorite brand, Chrome Hearts! We don’t have the actual total, but our source says Cher has dropped 7 figures on him since the romance began. That’s why Elijah is skeptical of her mom’s boyfriend’s motives.


Anonymous said...

Run them pockets AE!!!
Men are the prize!
Especially if you got NBA Level good black “D”!
Simps out here care barely make a lay up @ the playground!
It’s levels to the pipe game! Ladies know what I’m talm bout. So simps gotta pay while true unionized Local 69 Pipe layers & Pipe Fitters get paid to keep ya girlfriends & wives & Old Cougar mommies happy… you’re welcome.

Anonymous said...

1:10 please log off and go find a job.

Anonymous said...

1:10 You know nothing about women. 80yr old pus be as dry as the Sahara desert and libido lower than your IQ. The only D Cher taking is vitamin D. AE ain't giving her nothing but cuddles and conversation.

Anonymous said...


Well lets assume thats true. What in the world could he possibly be saying to her that has her so hypnotized??? Lmaooo

Anonymous said...

Hey she can’t take none of it with her so maybe that’s her motive. She knows she won’t live forever. 🤷🏾‍♀️ still gross tho

Anonymous said...

@1:44 You really don't know what you're talking about. Lube was invented for 80-year old vaginas, especially the ones who've been popping it since they were teenagers. Have you looked at the current generation of old women? They spend the money to keep it up. Y'all might not want it but there are men who do.

Anonymous said...

If Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro still getting it in having babies, I don’t see the problem with Cher having fun. She’s lucid and cognizant of her actions. Let this woman enjoy herself! Her kids are only concerned about what’s left for them when she leaves this Earth, not caring about her feelings and happiness. She loves her grandkids but doesn’t want to sit up knitting and crocheting in a rocking chair all day.

Anonymous said...

Y’all need to stop talkin’ about 80-year old vajayjays and peens. Really.

LOLOL said...

3:45 PM, That's about right. I would tell them lazy @ss bum kids (that do nothing much except collect a monthly check) to shut the hell up before they get cut all the way off from my Will. They mad cause he black and neither have any D. This woman has been working all her life to do what she wants to do with her coins.
1:10 PM, You are talking a lot of smack about something you have no idea what you're talking about unless you are F-ing an old lady with your little Wee-Wee. Have a seat and grow up.

Anonymous said...

If she wants to blow a bag on her sugar baby, it’s her money. Oh well. But I’d be mad if I was her kid too lol!

Anonymous said...

Money is meant to be spent. Why not spend it on the finer things in life (BBC)?

Anonymous said...

Cher is worth $400 million . Spending $1 million is like spending $100 to us regular people. She's paying for the dick. I read on Radar that she's wearing him out and they had to take a break for a while cause she went out her mind over him. Poor Cher, ain't nothing anyone can do or say to a woman when they dicktamized

Anonymous said...

Yall taking about dickmatized - maybe he’s got good finger and tongue game. Or maybe all 3. Let that lady have her fun!

Anonymous said...

Is this man even Black? Let's start there....

Anonymous said...

If he was the average white guy this wouldn’t be an issue. Of course ol’ boy is an opportunist but Cher is an Icon… let her live LIFE.. She earned it. It’s Cher’s money not anyone else’s.

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