Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Zane Clears the Air on Tyler Perry's Mea Culpa

Over the weekend "Tyler Perry's Mea Culpa" starring Kelly Rowland debuted at No. 1 on Netflix to mixed reviews [click here if you missed that].

Now that the dust has settled fans of erotic fiction author, Zane, have been accusing Tyler of ripping off her 1998 release "Addicted" and the chatter has gotten so loud Zane felt she should address it...


R in NYC said...

I kept fast forwarding thru the movie. Too many slow, boring parts. The ending was predictable. I give it a C+

Anonymous said...

Tyler is going to have to face the fact that he can't write, produce, cast, and direct on his own. He must hire people because his legacy is going to be ruined. I don't even watch his movies because TUBI amateurs are presenting better films.

Anonymous said...

Tyler Perry movies are always full blown garbage

Anonymous said...

He’s obviously very very talented and gifted with all he was able to do, grow, and create for the audience that loved him and got him to this point filled with wealth and success. Now, his audience is either changing and/OR his exposure is growing to more who want to love him but can’t bc his art is not growing with his growing audience. Tyler, you need help. Unfortunately, he’ll be using AI even more now but he needs real writers asap.

Anonymous said...

Good. Even AI is better than anything from Tyler Perry.

Anonymous said...

AI doesn't seem so bad when you think of people like Tyler Perry. Amazon was slammed for running the brick stores out of business but online shopping created so many other types of jobs.

I think the same may happen with AI. It will erase a number of jobs we have now, but will create a lot of other jobs down the line. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Anonymous said...

What part of the ending was predictable??? The ending was random as hell and made no sense.
*Incoming Spoiler do not read if you havent seen it*

The brother in law framing Zyair for sleeping with his wife??? Meanwhile the bch aint even dead and she is somewhere in DR??? You aint predict that!

Anonymous said...

The movie flopped and all that today coverage drama didn’t help. The end and move on and find a better movie to be in.

Anonymous said...

How did the movie flop if its number 1 on Netflix??? Yall say the slowest things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

329 is Kelly or Tyler bye ! I haven’t seen it and don’t want to see it

Anonymous said...

A movie that sucks and a flop are two different things. You are confused. You must be a boomer. Go take a nap.

Anonymous said...

#1 on Netflix just means it's new and Netflix doesn't have any hot shows. People are watching anything because there are no good choices.

Anonymous said...

The excuses.....

A #1 is a number #1.
Netflix has 3,600 movies on its platform. So there are no good choices out of 3,600 movies?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Somebody is mad.....

Anonymous said...

You couldn’t pay me to watch it. Thanks for the reviews y’all.

Anonymous said...

Plenty of movies and music go number one then flop the next week. I don't have Netflix and wouldn't watch a Tyler Perry production even if you paid me so I have no comment on the actual movie.

Anonymous said...

His movies remind me of M. Night Shyamalan’s movies. They start off good, grab your attention, then somewhere before the ending they fall flat. Smh

Anonymous said...


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