Thursday, February 22, 2024

Wendy Williams In Better Health Than Portrayed in New Doc

For the past month Lifetime has been promoting a new documentary about former daytime talk show host Wendy Williams, executive producer by her son Kevin Hunter Jr., with clips of Wendy in various states of confusion [click here if you missed that].

Wendy's niece, who admits she does not know what rehab facility her aunt is being kept in, assures fans Wendy is no longer in the condition depicted in the documentary...

In the new doc, Williams, who has a court-appointed legal guardian overseeing her finances and health decisions, is shown to be in the throes of alcohol addiction and struggling with her mental health, memory and ability to effectively communicate.
But now, despite the painful scenes viewers are about to see, her sister Wanda Finnie and niece Alex Finnie tell PEOPLE Williams is in a better place physically and mentally.
"I spoke with her yesterday and I speak with her very regularly when she reaches out to me. She is, from what I understand, in a wellness, healing type of environment," says Wanda of the unknown facility Williams is in to address cognitive issues.
Due to a lack of communication with Williams' guardian, "We cannot reach out to her, but she can reach out to us. And she is in a healing place emotionally. She's not the person that you see in this film."
In regards to the shocking new film, "I'm proud of my aunt for taking control of her narrative because my aunt has always been such a public person and has been an open book, and we've all seen the images over the last few months and really few years of what has been like a spiral for my aunt," says Alex of Williams, who's an executive producer on the project. "So for her to actually put her voice in here and take ownership of what's happened, where she's at present day... I think it's powerful."

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