Sunday, February 18, 2024

Wanda Sykes Cast in First Dramatic Film Role

Comedian Wanda Sykes cast in her first dramatic role as a boxing trainer...

Catalyst Studios is producing and launching world sales on boxing drama Undercard, written and to be directed by Tamika Miller (Honor Student) and set to star Emmy winner Wanda Sykes in her first dramatic film role.
The movie will chart the story of a female boxing trainer (Sykes), who after abandoning her son, rises from the ashes to coach him in the biggest fight of his career.
The film is currently in pre-production, with Catalyst introducing the film to buyers at this week’s European Film Market.


Anonymous said...

She's got skills. This should be okay.

Anonymous said...

^^^ She has comedic skills, but when it comes to acting it seems she plays the same role all the time. Or have I missed something?

LOLOL said...

She might do well in a dramatic role. WS has never been funny to me.
Surprisingly some comics can pull off dramatic parts very well. I never would have thought that Monique would have pulled off Precious as well as she did. Or was she playing herself. LOLO

Anonymous said...

That storyline sounds good but Wanda needs an acting coach. The show she appears in on Netflix is a bore and the only time I found her remotely entertaining was when she played Biggie Shorty in Pootie Tang.

Anonymous said...

I don’t care do for her acting. Also, her mouth on a plethora or issues is problematic.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan

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