Saturday, February 24, 2024

Lifetime Pressing Forward with Wendy Williams Documentary

On Thursday Wendy Williams' conservators filed for a restraining order against to stop the airing of the 'Where is Wendy Williams' documentary on Lifetime [click here if you missed that]. 

As of Friday, Lifetime still intends to air the program...

Lifetime plans to move forward with the debut of its controversial new documentary Where Is Wendy Williams?
The network confirmed in a statement to PEOPLE on Friday: “Lifetime appeared in court today, and the documentary Where Is Wendy Williams? will air this weekend as planned.”
As of Thursday night, it appeared that Saturday's premiere might be postponed or canceled entirely after Wendy Williams’ court-appointed guardian filed a lawsuit seemingly seeking to halt the release of the documentary. (The legal documents are sealed, so the actual grounds for the suit are not publicly known.)
The lawsuit filing came hours Williams’ diagnosis of progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) was released by her guardian. This health news was, up to that point, unknown by Williams’ family, who claim the former talk show host has had limited contact with them since she was placed under the legal guardianship.
PEOPLE has reached out to representatives for Williams.


Anonymous said...

This is offensive. Let her hang onto the little dignity she has left.

R in NYC said...

Welp it's all about money at the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Wendy started as a brown skinned woman with brunette hair but over the past few years she has morphed into a blonde white woman. Someone needs to study the effects of skin bleaching and mental disorders because there might be a connection.

Anonymous said...

Dementia isn't caused by skin bleaching. PLEASE

Vernell said...

Pray For Wendy!!!. She was not one of my favorites because, of the way she Ambushed & Talked Negatively About Folks, To Embarrass Them. I Empathize For Her, The Conditions She Suffers From Have Caused Her Rapid Decline In Health ~ Nobody Deserves The Treatment That She Is Receiving, Thru The Court System. Her Son Should Be Allowed Contact. I Am Sure That No Contact From My Child Would Be Heart-Wrenching.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you haters wish her well without trashing her first? Some of you are just as twisted in the head as the woman you bash.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Wendy would wish someone well if the tables were reversed? I'm sure she would just gossip about it and 11:34 you seem slow. Did you really think that was a serious comment or just an observation that she bleached her skin?

Anonymous said...

Wendy will overcome her demons and those hitting her while she's down.

Anonymous said...

Wendy is getting all she gave to so many. Why should her outcome be any different, drug addict, alcoholic, bad marriage, all came together and this is what she got early onset dementia.

She manifested this with her actions.

Anonymous said...

912 this will be bey’s future also but the Stan’s deny it.

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