Saturday, February 03, 2024

Lakeith Standfiled Sued by His Former Nanny

Book of Clarence star LaKeith Stanfield and his wife, Kasmere Trice, are being sue by their nanny for forcing her to work without taking breaks...

LaKeith Stanfield and his wife, Kasmere Trice, are being sued by a travel nanny for creating a toxic work environment and their refusal to pay her for her services following an eight-day trip.
According to court documents obtained by The Blast, the newlyweds, who walked down the aisle six months ago, were accused of creating toxic work conditions for the nanny, with “no breaks to use the restroom, eat, or even shower.”
The woman, whose name we have withheld, alleged that she began working for Stanfield and his wife in October 2023 when she was employed as a travel nanny for their child for an eight-day trip to New York City.
The “Atlanta” actor and his wife agreed to pay the nanny $500 daily for her service of 24-hour supervision of their infant child. The trip commenced on October 31 and they lodged at The Greenwich Hotel. She claimed she began her duties “almost immediately,” with the couple leaving her alone with the child.
According to the legal filing, the woman alleged that the infant spent the first night in her room and “consistently woke up every 2.5 hours, remaining awake for approximately 45 minutes each time.”
By the next day, November 1, the nanny claimed she had “worked all day and night as the infant remained in her care until the next day.” Throughout this time, Stanfield and his wife allegedly left her all alone with their child.
The nanny further declared that Trice “consistently” messaged her with specific instructions for their infant’s care, instructing her to have bodily contact with the baby and use “specific words of encouragement.”
On November 2, the nanny and the family relocated to The Dominick Hotel where the parties had an adjoining room. According to the nanny, “The Book of Clarence” star and his wife left her to travel separately with their infant, and they arrived at the hotel sometime later.
On that day, the Stanfields requested her to bring their child to their room for only one hour, during which she managed to have her lunch. The unfavorable work conditions allegedly continued with her citing one instance where she needed a break but was met with aggression.
“On this day, [she] had a telemedicine call scheduled and requested to take a one-hour break for this call. While Trice did provide the one-hour break, she was met with aggression and attitude when she brought it up,” the document read.
Following the first difficult days, the nanny alleged that she spoke to the Stanfields, requesting to have a minimum of four hours off a day. She claimed Trice agreed to her conditions and promised to let her off after 2 PM, but it wasn’t until 4 PM that the couple took over caring for their child.
Before the start of her break, she informed the couple that she left the door of her adjoining room unlocked if they needed anything, but that didn’t stop Trice from “continuously messaging” her for access to the room while giving her instructions on how to prepare the baby meal.
Things allegedly became worse when the Stanfields instructed her to “bring a prepared bottle” to their room. “[She] was not in her hotel room at this time and had to return to her room to give Trice the materials to make a fresh bottle.
On November 5, the woman claims she began her supposed break around 5 PM but it was soon interrupted when LaKeith messaged her to “ensure Trice is bought juice because her blood sugar levels were dropping.”
When she returned to the hotel around 8:30 PM, the nanny claimed she was met with “silent treatment” from the couple. However, the straw that broke the camel’s back for the aggrieved nanny was on the final day of the trip when Trice messaged her that the infant would be in her care on the drive to the airport and during the return flight.
The nanny claimed she rejected the request, telling the couple she wasn’t comfortable having the infant during the return flight as it was a “safety risk,” but her complaint was met by Trice telling her, “That’s the role of the travel nanny.”
When the nanny insisted she couldn’t take responsibility for the infant during the return flight, Trice allegedly canceled her flight and told her to find her own transportation back to Los Angeles. Upon returning to LA, she invoiced the couple for the trip but they refused to pay.
She was reportedly informed that her complaint about the Stanfields’ “various wage and hour violations” led to her being terminated.
“As a direct and legal result of Defendants’ retaliatory actions against Plaintiff, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer general, consequential, and special damages including but not limited to substantial losses in earnings, other employment benefits, physical injuries, physical sickness, as well as emotional distress, plus medical expenses, future medical expenses, and attorneys’ fees, all to her damage in an amount according to proof,” the document read.


Anonymous said...

Slave drivers.

Anonymous said...

The nanny committed to 24-hour care for the child. She should have included a clause about the necessity for breaks in the oral or written agreement.

LaKeith and wife should have been more understanding, but LaKeith can be rigid at times. They should use an agency next time.

Anonymous said...

The nanny should not have to tell the employer her rights. By law she was supposed to get a bare minimum of 3 hours for meals and breaks, and 5 consecutive hours for sleep, totaling 8 hours of uninterrupted duty free time . If they used an agency, they would still be expected to provide the bare minimum rest/meal/break times, and overtime pay. Unless they laid everything out in her contract, she has a case.

Anonymous said...

The reason to use the agency is to avoid these problems because the agency will explain everything before any agreements are signed.

Of course she has to explain it to her employer when she's a freelancer and not going through an agency. It's not on the client to know these things, but it's on her (or her agency if she's using one) to inform the client.

Anonymous said...

And of course he should have paid her, but she should have been very clear on needing breaks and time away.

Anonymous said...

Travel nanny is not a fun job, particularly when the client is promoting a movie.

Anonymous said...

11:04 sure not. While they get to travel, they’re working so it sucks.

Anonymous said...

The only wrong here is not returning her to LA. They probably could’ve paid her a bit more considering the demands. But really, this nanny don’t know what a nanny is. And if you’re traveling, in the absence of the parents, nanny fills the role of the caregiver. You figure out your breaks when that baby sleeps or during, but this nanny is complaining about being a nanny? Ridiculous

Anonymous said...

I wonder if he’s looking out for his other baby?

Anonymous said...

Was this her first gig? Because why would she take a job like this if they didn't have an additional nanny to help. She should have never taken the job under these conditions.

Anonymous said...

They wanted a slave, not a nanny. Breaks are regulated by law, not profession.

Anonymous said...

Who in TF agrees to work 24 hours a day for 8 days straight without any type of a break? Only an incredibly stupid person like the ones suggesting that idea actually makes sense.

Anonymous said...

3:27 exactly! She should not have to tell them she needs breaks. Even on a 24 hour travel job whether a nanny or not, by law a person is required to have breaks and time to rest. Any job after a certain amount of hours you are required a break. Agency or not, law is law. They definitely wanted a slave.

Anonymous said...

A human body is not a machine.

Anonymous said...

He's wife seems bullish and he's afraid of her lol. She denounce the other BM yet she doesn't want to spend time with her own. A mother not wanting to be around a child for 8 days is strange. Especially 1st time moms. Whomever canceled the nannies flight is demonic that was a devil move.

Anonymous said...

This nanny must be new to the game. All conditions should have been discussed. I read she had to call and get the wife juice for her diabetes which was not her job. I would understand textn her to call the hotel to get juice for the daughter but not the wife.

Anonymous said...

Nanny's BEWARE!!

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