Saturday, February 17, 2024

Donald Trump Ordered to Pay $350 Million in Fraud Case

Last year Donald Trump was found liable on fraud charges filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Trump has been ordered to pay $350 million in restitution and is barred from conducting business in New York for the next three years...

Trump ordered to pay over $350M after fraud trial. The judge also barred Trump “from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation or other legal entity in New York for a period of three years.”
"Justice has been served," New York Attorney General Letitia James said in a statement today after Judge Arthur Engoron's ruling.
“For years, Donald Trump engaged in massive fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family, and his organization," James said.
She added, "while he may have authored the ‘Art of the Deal,’ our case revealed that his business was based on the art of the steal."
James also lauded the ruling for "finally" making Trump face "accountability for his lying, cheating and staggering fraud."
"No matter how big, rich, or powerful you think you are, no one is above the law,” she said.


Anonymous said...

And the MAGA cult will vote for him, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Not voting biden or trump.

Anonymous said...

On Biden's worst day (diapers and drooling), he is better than Trump on Trump's best day (whatever that is).

Biden has my vote.

Anonymous said...

He don't have the money. Explain this one Donald.

Anonymous said...

Obviously your ear is not to the streets if you think biden will win… biden will not even be the nominee. biden is the worse president since jimmy carter! That’s how I know most of y’all don’t even follow politics, or have any comprehension of policy & economics. You just don’t like Trump & that’s cool, but will he get the job done? Absolutely!
Vote TRUMP & Vivek 2024!!! It’s not a cult, it’s a movement!
God bless America & President TRUMP!

Anonymous said...

Daddy T will win on appeals

Anonymous said...

Hit that orange where it’ll hurt most…his pockets.

LOLOL said...

I know he will appeal but I wanted him to get no business deals for life. That was the plan.
Dump only cares about himself and Yt rich ppl. He don't even care about the MEGA'S. He only needs them for votes. So far as you Coons that want him to be president, I'll pray for yea in H&ll.

Anonymous said...

Just like the case against E,Jean Caroll he lost, he would have to put ALL the money in a escrow before appealing. He DOES NOT HAVE IT. Magna you better get 11 jobs to pay for your fake billionaire orange con daddy. And it’s still hilarious that Magna out all the black people out on that online zoom. They told them Trump and Magna don’t want nothing to do with them. They looked just like like slaves running back to the plantation to check on massa, ….blacks for Trump, the irony, your own Magna putting you out because you are black🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

9:33 getcho Trump loving arse on up outta here. I swear you Maga trolls need Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Magas will still vote for him and he now has a Trump over the entire Repub party so he’ll be paying through that too. To even mention Carter over Biden is laughable… Anyway, voting for Biden or anyone who steps in his place (hopefully Gavin!)

Kimbo Spice said...

Trump 2024

Anonymous said...

Trump for Prison and Bankruptcy 2024, Making Orange Con Artists Accountable Again. 🍊🤡

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