Sunday, February 18, 2024

Beyoncé Talks Hair with Essence Magazine

Beyoncé covers the March/April edition of Essence Magazine for a conversation about Black hair...


Anonymous said...

Uhm, a woman in a wig, who does not need to wear a wig selling hair products. Here she come again peddling trash. This is insane she never puts out a good product.

oregonsistah said...

I wish she would go away for about 10 years like Sade so we could miss her. She’s forgotten about the uncle Johnny community that quick over the country music now in the hair

Anonymous said...

Straight & Blonde is How She Likes It. Seem Like It's Not Much for Her to Discuss.

Anonymous said...

At least she seems to be listening to her fan base. She needs to come down from her tower, get on her social media, and make a video using her hair products. Talk, be relatable. Also she should get some brand ambassadors that are not just celebs! This business venture will not work in her favor if she barely promotes it.

Anonymous said...

I'd put vaseline or mineral oil on my hair before I'd use anything by her. Where is my Afro Sheen, dammit.

Anonymous said...

Zzzzz not even her real hair

Anonymous said...

Thirsty, tacky, and stolen from someone else the Beyucky way.

R in NYC said...

The nerve and the audacity. Might as well just say go buy a wig and keep your own hair braided underneath.
Beyodel is the last person I'd take hair advice from.

Anonymous said...

Why can’t she show us her real hair?

Anonymous said...

The visuals are on point. Didn’t read a single thing! Essence magazine hasn’t meant anything to in years to me sense Susan Taylor no longer was editor and Chief. They can discuss the history of hair all they want, but Beyoncé and Tina, I won’t listen.

Anonymous said...

Her hair is so fkn gorgeous and healthy. I'm glad she's catering to all hair types and focusing on health.

Anonymous said...

I do love her relationship with her mom. Tina was a hairdresser so this makes sense. Should have happened years ago.

Anonymous said...

She’s peddling overpriced products in small quantity vessels. The names of some of her products is telling something.

Anonymous said...


No Chiraq said...

CURIOUSLY MOMMA Tina was not given a nod for HAIR or COSTUME Design. Bey's TEAM didn't solicit her Mother's INPUT??

Anonymous said...

@12:01 & 12:10 - BYE TINA!!! You ain't fooling NOBODY.

COOLKID said...

Who's Hair?

Anonymous said...

Throughout the whole Beyonce era..I have never bought anything that was not her hair products..Nothing!

Anonymous said...

When will the CON GAME end? “Hair care products” from a chick in a white wig or blonde wig mmmmNO!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We have not forgotten that long ago L'Oreal commercial where she talked about "her hair" and we all knew it was a wig/weave. Now she's back again with the same bs. No one was fooled then and no one is fooled now.

Anonymous said...

1. What did that movie say about hair products "they cloned Tyrone"
2.Bey is back to doing black mags again really??

Dwight said...

Beyonce sexy tan leg showing! Got me hot! Lol

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