Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Ayo Edebiri Stunned by Prince William

Comedian Ayo Edebiri, who last week was forced to apologized to Jennifer Lopez after mean spirited comments made before she got famous resurfaced [click here if you missed that], is in the headlines again after her stunned reaction to Prince William...


Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous.

They're coming after her. She should have kept that apology to herself.

Anonymous said...

Is Sandra Rose writing this blog now? We don't care about the Royals.

Anonymous said...

Damn he's a twerp. Love her.

Anonymous said...

754 yes a wanna be Sandra rose.

Anonymous said...

Stop worshipping those people.

Anonymous said...

Leave William alone. The pettiness in showbiz is nauseating

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Harry said he’s willing to come back to the royal family. Sir you called your family racists and then took it back , and said you never said it, and then talked about his private parts of his and his brother’s. He on the same drugs as Nikki. 🗑️ Now that them pockets drying up he wants to come back, nope, they not letting him come back so he better hit Indeed or Craigslist for a hustle. And we don’t need any stories on ANY of the royals, we got the yt blogs and Sandie May Rose for that. She’s British that’s her folks, let her have them💯

Anonymous said...

Leave Harry alone. He was the black sheep waaay before Meghan came along.

Anonymous said...

None of us mentioned his wayward wife. Harry needs a job if he wants to keep her. This is America we all have bills to pay.

Anonymous said...

217 that last sentence is true but snitch doesn’t care about what the commenters have to say. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Those Africans love themselves some colonizers. Maybe because they used to be colonizers they d@mn selfs.

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