Saturday, January 20, 2024

Snoop Dogg Turns Down $100 Million Only Fans Deal

Rapper Snoop Dogg claims he turned down $100 million to start an Only Fans out of respect for his wife...


Anonymous said...

It's kinda hard to upkeep an image as a P.I.M.P. once you've become the one slangin dang-a-lang for clicks.

Anonymous said...

He looks like a raisin with eyes! The years have certainly not been kind to him...

Kendall said...

Ewwww who asked for that????

100 mil? As in dollars??

Anonymous said...

Out of respect for his wife? What about out of respect for yourself? What about not letting them turn you into an internet freak? Ugh.

Anonymous said...

And? So? What's the big deal?

Anonymous said...

If he respected his wife he wouldn't still be outchea cheating on her. And, yeah, time has not been kind to Snoop. I dunno if it's the smoking lol or the weight. But, ummm, snoop needs to gain some weight/muscle, drink lots of water, and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!

Anonymous said...

Not if he was the last man on earth

Anonymous said...

I will never forgive him for the words he used when he attacked Gayle King around Kobe's death. Too much woman-hating language passed his lips too easily. I'll be glad when he's dead.

Anonymous said...

Is him and his wife even still together? She been looking sickly too. She loss a lot of weight.

Anonymous said...

Snoop and his wife look sickly because of their years of sweeping his discretions under the rug. She said don’t ask her for relationship advice and he responded in the comments with a thank you and I love you. They in it together until the wheels fall off.

Anonymous said...

No one is checking for this dried up, dead eyed weed head, on no damn only fans. I have yet to see a weedhead, who looked vibrant, hydrated, full of energy. Weed makes you look old, tired and dried up. And this coming from a Jamaican Rasta whose father had a weed garden. I don't smoke weed and have yet to see, one of those weed head who didn't look worn out, tired and dried up. Besides, what the hell was his tired looking ass going to do on only fans, I do not need to even imagine what that tragic image would look like, ain't nobody that bored on planet earth.

Anonymous said...

12:14. I agree. People need to quit or smoke responsibly because even his oldest son with Shante is aging bad.

R in NYC said...

I've never wanted to see his ashy peen.

Anonymous said...

He's the poster child of why people shouldn't smoke. They should put Snoop's age progression pics on a poster. No thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gotdamn 10:39. Like the Man ain’t perfect. He used some language YOU don’t like. You know you’ve USED language that wasn’t “terms of endearment“ towards Men before. What if every Man who’ve heard what you said, couldn’t wait until you were dead. You act like he raped or murdered someone close to you or something.

Anonymous said...

I heard Snoop has an anaconda in his pants. He’s taken, so I don’t want to see it.

Anonymous said...

They sum 🐭gerbils🐀 in dem pants too!

Anonymous said...

Granny say ,, still bettr than Gramps gerKiN🥒

Anonymous said...

@ 10:39 AM...Snoop was on the radio and said his auntie called him and checked him on that and he has since apologized to Gayle King. That was 4 years ago. She let it go and so should you.

Anonymous said...

Snoop captioned the video: “Had a talk with my momma thank u mamma 2 wrongs don’t make it right time to heal @gayleking Peace n love Praying for u and your family as well as Vanessa and the kids.”

“I was raised way better than that, so I would like to apologize to you publicly for the language that I used and calling you out of your name and just being disrespectful,” Snoop added. “I didn’t mean for it to be like that, I was just expressing myself for a friend who wasn’t there to defend himself.”
His mother made him apologize. I don’t recall anything about his aunt. Even if that was true it was his mother he mentioned that chastised him.

Anonymous said...

He's aging like a banana.

LOLOL said...

^ It's that weed smoking that's deteriorating is skin.
Didn't he show his peepee in an X-rated movie some years back?

Anonymous said...

He didn't care about others seeing his worm when he was cheating on his wife. I think he just has a lil one and he knows everyone will be laughing and snap shotting, especially Black Twitter. Also, I doubt he was offered even half that amount at 50 years old. Lol.

Anonymous said...

@6:47 PM aka 10:39 AM...Whether it was his mama or auntie...who cares? The point is that an older female relative of his chastised him for the language he used towards Gayle King. He apologized. Your focus is off point and you're a very petty person.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that he clowned Gayle.

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