Sunday, January 21, 2024

Lorenzo Gordon Facing PPP Fraud Charges

Last month former Basketball Wives LA cast member Brittish Williams gave a tell-all interview where she claimed that her ex, Lorenzo Gordon, was aware of the fraudulent activities that landed her in jail [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Lorenzo is also facing charges...

A former professional basketball player whose reality star ex-girlfriend was sentenced to prison for various frauds has now also been indicted on charges of submitting false applications for pandemic relief loans.
Lorenzo Gordon, 40, faces three charges of wire fraud and a single count of theft of government property after authorities said he lied on COVID-19 business relief applications about how long he had operated two businesses, how much money they had made and whether he was the sole owner of a janitorial company.
In all, he collected nearly $273,000, according to charging documents.
Gordon is the ex-fiancĂ© of Brittish Williams, who first appeared on the VH1 reality TV show “Basketball Wives” in 2014 when she was dating Gordon. They got engaged in 2014 but later broke it off over cheating allegations. The two have a child together.
Gordon was originally from St. Louis and played basketball in college for Illinois State. He then played professionally in France, Germany, Turkey and Israel.
An indictment filed Wednesday says that Gordon applied for a federal pandemic business relief loan on June 19, 2020. He claimed his business, Logo Fitness, had made gross revenues of nearly $96,500 prior to the pandemic when, in fact, Logo Fitness had been established in 2020.
Three days later, he submitted another application for a business called Elite 50 Basketball Training, which he said had made more than $234,600 in the past year. That business had been created in 2020, too, charges say.
Gordon also claimed that he had been the only owner of a business called Lorenzo Gordon janitorial services since 2017 when there was actually another owner of the company as well, court documents say.
Gordon’s name previously appeared in a different investigation from state regulators into a food distribution program for needy children. Gordon ran a commercial kitchen and provided food for a nonprofit that later ran afoul of state regulators and was forced to stop participating in federal food distribution programs. He was not accused of any wrongdoing.


Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well for them, they are small fry compared to the big ass criminals, running this country. While I don't cosign any of their wrong doing, I'm not impressed with this "news".

Anonymous said...

I wonder what they spent the money on because they both always looked like broke posers. She must have tried to get less time by giving him up. Shady!

R in NYC said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder did PPP pay for them gold chains.

Vernell said...

His Lady The Crab, Pulled Him Into The Bucket..

LOLOL said...

4:48 PM, This country goes after the small fry's and let the big one's go free. Who got the big money to pay under the table?

Anonymous said...

Almost every one I know who got one of those PPP loans fraudulently got caught. I knew that ish was a government trap.

LOLOL said...

^ I know someone that hasn't got caught yet. They used it to get badly needed implants.

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