Monday, January 22, 2024

Juliano Krue Valdi Cast as Young Michael Jackson

Last year it was reported that Michael Jackson's nephew Jafaar Jackson was cast to play Michael in the big screen biopic directed by Antione Fuqua [click here if you missed that].

Juliano Krue Valdi has been cast as young Michael...


Anonymous said...

The whitening of Michael continues. Truth be told, it’s exactly what his legacy deserves.

Anonymous said...

I usually don't have a problem with black actors of different shades playing historical figures (think Denzel playing Malcolm X) if the subject's skin tone did not play an important part of their story. Michael Jackson's color played an important part of his story, just like Nina Simone's color played an important part of hers. This makes me think that this movie is going to be on some BS.

Anonymous said...

Why they even bothering? They can't tell the truth.

LOLOL said...

OMG Please leave this man to rest in peace. We don't need any more MJ movies. We have so many positive ppl of color that have story's that need to be told. Yt ppl just can't stop trying to make money off of MJ.

Anonymous said...

No Rest For The Wicked💯

Go Look Up Jordan Sitting On MJs D @ The World Music Awards While Boyz2Men Performed 😑

Or Him Telling A Reporter He Rather Climb A Tree than Make Love To A Woman 🤦🏿‍♀️

& How Doc Took A Fall For His Assisted Suicide

Michael Looked Like A Monster B/c He Was One😶

Anonymous said...

Doc definitely took a fall. Great Houston doc with free clinic for heart patients. MJ's death crushed his practice.

Anonymous said...

What 10:53 AM said.
I wouldn't waste my time or coins to see that movie, and MJ had horrible self-hate issues, the way he mutilated himself to look like a yt man, that kneegrow was batshit crazy.

Anonymous said...

Sad. Exactly what the Jacksons want… MJ to be portrayed by a biracial child to continue the whitening they so desperately all wanted, probably starting with Joe on down.

Anonymous said...

This child is beautiful but DOES NOT look like a young MJ. Skin and hair do not match that era.

Anonymous said...

Biracial’s shouldn’t play black roles. Neither should Africans. Still haven’t watched the last Candyman,US, Get Out or Wakanda movies, because they shouldn’t have been in it. Michael should only be a played by a Black American as a child. Things he went through, mentally delayed him with arrested development on top of it all. If they use a biracial, it should only be once he bleached his melanin off. Even then the biracial should be part Black American, no tethers. It’s not this difficult to understand. White Hollywood likes playing in our faces and uses tethers to do it.

Anonymous said...

You divest from Michael Jackson are white, Africans or others. Ur not us.

Anonymous said...

4:08 The lead actor for Candyman Yayah Abdul Mateen is an American.

Anonymous said...

They need to make a movie that examines why Michael changed his skin-tone, nose, and hair. He was a Black man adored by the world but he experienced racism that caused him to make drastic changes to his appearance. That’s the movie I want to see.

Anonymous said...

2:51 he was born here but he’s not ADOS/FBA

Dee said...

@ 4:36 a.m. - Changed his skin color allegedly due to Vitiligo, changed his nose because his family bullied and shamed him about his "big nose", and he added hair plugs/wigs due to the 3rd degree scalp burns he suffered during the Pepsi commercial. There you have it.

Dee said...

Nobody can play young mike like Jason Weaver did. Leave MJ alone and let him rest.

AAA said...


WTF!! Wakanda is a fictionalised Southern African country!! It's Black Americans that SHOULDNT have been in it. And if we are being completely truthful, neither Angela, Forest or Chadwick did well with the accents.

AAA said...

Foundational Black American...FBA...but the blacks that first landed on US soil, were AFRICANS!! They in turn gave birth to what can now be called African-Americans or ADOS - even though birthright citizeship wasn't afforded for them to be recognised as Americans.

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