Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Don Lemon Announces New Show

Last year CNN anchor Don Lemon was fired after 17 years with the network [click here if you missed that].

Don just announced his new show will be streaming on X [formerly known as Twitter]....


Anonymous said...

No X here.

Anonymous said...

No X here either.

LOLOL said...

Never X. Is this the best you can do? Then you should have kept your mouth shut.

R in NYC said...

Good 4 him. He will have the freedom to speak his mind outside the confines of CNN.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching! I want to see what Don has to say without CNN, their crazy parameters and policing. Don was fired for saying what most of us were already thinking about Nikki Haley and women over 50. I'm over 50 and I wish my peer group would stop saying 50 is the new 30. No, 50 + is 50 + and we should embrace getting older instead of pretending we're all younger. Nikki Haley had the nerve to talk about age restrictions in politics but she's no spring chicken herself. Waiting to see what Don has to say now that the golden handcuffs are off.

Anonymous said...

Good for him.

Anonymous said...

🌈 💩

Anonymous said...

Good for him, he's smart, educated, handsome and talented. I wish him all the success on his venture.

Anonymous said...

Lemon is a misogynistic clown who always has some dumb sh!t to say about women like so many other gay men.

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