Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Diddy No Longer Owns Cirôc or DeLéon

Last year Sean 'Diddy' Combs filed a lawsuit against his liquor brand partner Diageo Beverage Company after accusing them of racial discrimination against his brands Cirôc Vodka and DeLéon Tequila [click here if you missed that]. 

Diddy and Diageo have settled their lawsuit and now Diddy no longer owns either brand...

From Variety
Sean “Diddy” Combs and Diageo have “resolved all disputes,” both parties announced on Tuesday morning, apparently ending long and complicated legal battle wherein Combs alleged the liquor giant had not supported joint ventures involving Ciroc vodka and DeLeón tequila. The parties announced the resolution in a brief statement severing their business ties.
“Sean Combs and Diageo have now agreed to resolve all disputes between them. Mr. Combs has withdrawn all of his allegations about Diageo and will voluntarily dismiss his lawsuits against Diageo with prejudice,” the statement, attributed to both parties, reads. “Diageo and Mr. Combs have no ongoing business relationship, either with respect to Cîroc vodka or DeLeón tequila, which Diageo now solely owns.”


Anonymous said...

He was bought out, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

The last thing the "so-called black community" needs is more liquor. Our community suffers from gang violence, poverty, lack of decent schools, unaffordable housing, low pay wage, high utility rates, gun violence and crime. We don't need these black devils getting rich off our people, pushing toxic liquor in fancy bottles, for the younger generations to become addicts.

Anonymous said...

Now those liquors are useless.

Anonymous said...

In Buddhism it says avoid entertainment and don't promote or sell liquor..... I try to follow this.

TRACI404 said...

wait....he never owned Ciroc, he only did MARKETING.
and the Tequila brand he only invested $1,000.
wasnt that the problem?
So this is 2 less liquor brands plaguing th3 community.

Anonymous said...

Many celebs are brand ambassadors only.

Anonymous said...

It basically goes like this...I will help you pimp your products to Black people and make lots of money for you. Just cut me a deal.

Chelle said...

He is the devil pushing that crap on the black community so he can be a billionaire. Bring his world down

Vernell said...

Don't Mess With The MAFIA!!!! Diddy Fu@ked Around & Found Out... His A$$ Is Naked But, He Is Still Alive.

Anonymous said...

I know he regrets not paying Cassie before she let the genie out the bottle.

LOLOL said...

Bad Boy is fallowing apart like a slow jam while grinding in the basement to some oldies.

Anonymous said...

*waits for his next domino to fall*

He should regret what he allegedly did to Cassie. He probably wouldn't have had to pay her anything if he had treated her right or left her alone.

Anonymous said...

George Clooney owned his liquor brand and sold it for one billion dollars. That's what a celebrity gets when they're not dumb enough to settle for being a brand ambassador.

Lynny said...

4:05 I’m sure he does. This was his biggest mistake in life among others.
Anyway this is so funny to me bc many years ago I saw on here and Ive mentioned in the past that he was out in Atl (it was when he first became the ciroc mascot) and started bullying these grown men in the bar who were not drinking Ciroc. They were drinking Henny. Puff was Screaming cussing and wanted to fight them. Threatening them and believe it or not ridiculous ass TI stepped in to tell him stop cause he had just got out of jail and had to explain to this A-hole that those men were paying customers and could drink whatever they want. That they weren’t being paid and could drink what they wanted. I couldn’t believe my eyes and everyone on here was like - “I wish this n would tell me I can’t drink my cognac!!😂” But yea that’s who he is… a disgusting controlling power hungry abusive maniac. So funny he has now separated from this same brand that he so desperately promoted to US!!!

Anonymous said...

Probably had a minority stake in return for being the public face used to market it to all the gullible minions.

Rainy Dayz said...

So Diddra lied about owning the company
If it was his he would still own it
I’m tired of rich black people
They act like they’re for us but they really taking that hard white from the back

Chelle said...

He is a fraud!!! Selling that crap knowing he doesn't own. I so dislike him.

Anonymous said...

I hope he's driven certified crazy.

Kedarbenjudah said...

He knows when to cry uncle his attempt to run back S.Caters play for a big money grab was a misstep the thing Hov did was his homework first and thought it out either before hand or as he went along strategically even though its all sealed dont think there isn't a good reason for that most likely Hov found some things that made it hard to come back from Combs on the other hand stuck what he knew being the PR/BrandAmbassador/King of sound bite/Propagator of perception it worked when he got his community to buy into buying Ciroc while he played the frontman more Diageo and it worked while he did the same for Clive Davis and his corporate machine in the music world but when the man got you where he wants you and you wise up to how unfair or unequitable your tap dance for peanuts deal is and how your carrying the whole load for a small share of profits and no equity deal is they won't let go easy because you woke up all of a sudden especially when pitched you the deal as an opener and expected you to push back to get a better deal but you took the low ball offer with a big smile and started beating your chest publicly and selling perception on the false promise that if you did just that well enough you would get blessed later with equity so yea they shorted Ciroc on the marketing why would they not when they had the good time charlie of the generation doing it for them for just a promise down the road they never planned to live up to anyway.

Kedarbenjudah said...

Regarding 11:39PM comments I said all that to say this he got slick in his mind but picked a fight with the wrong people and they have tentacles that stretch into the politics, the legal & courts system, the music & film business you name it this is a free market society not a democracy and add to that this country is the seat of a declining empire and the rule of law is played fast and loose wait and watch it may take five years or it may take 20 but the trail will lead back to Diageo eventually call this the year of the circus barker first Trump regardless of rather you love him or hate him he is Diddy on steroids or who Diddy would have become had he not pick a fight out of his weight class a circus barker the ultimate hype man both him and Diddy let their hubris draw them into fights with entities they could not defeat with sound bites and attempting to leverage public opinion to force their the hand of opposing entities to move aside and let them have their way

Kedarbenjudah said...

Question is Diageo satisfied with him crying uncle so they take a foot off the gas or is it to late to put the genie back in the bottle and its the express elevator down for ole puff n stuff

Anonymous said...

This man is getting everything he deserves.

Anonymous said...

Diddy never owned Ciroq. Diageo invited him to become a brand ambassador for which he received royalties for sales. The original deal required 50/50 split on marketing cost, which according to Diageo Diddy only put in $1K. Once sales peaked 7 years ago and Diageo cut off the marketing dollars Diddy sued them for racism. Claiming they limited the sales potential by only targeting black people. I would say, for a liqua company that's been in business forever with brands dating back to the early 1900s they know wtf they're doing. Who does mista "brand ambassador" thinks he is to tell that company how to market their product? Take that-take that major L and siddown!

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