Monday, January 15, 2024

Angela Rye Accuses Chris Como of Harassment

Angela Rye accuses ex-CNN news anchor Chris Cuomo of sexually harassing her...


Anonymous said...

I'm always here for Angela, but I want to know who received jobs or payoffs for going along with the predators like Weinstein. We never hear those stories. There are newscasters, Oscar winners, honorary degree receivers, Pagent winners, reality show winners .... so much that we don't hear about. They want us to focus on the Chris Cuomos. Chris didn't have any more power then Don Lemon. I want to hear about the power brokers and we haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg.

Anonymous said...

^ than

Anonymous said...

Let's be real. Every woman have experienced some sort of sexual harassment on the job if they've worked long enough. At this point I would like to hear from women who have never experienced it. How did you manage to avoid it? Horndogs are everywhere.

LOLOL said...

^ They managed to avoid it because they weren't pretty. Even the ugly men want a pretty woman on they arm to show off they got it going on. Money and power walk hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

Laawd Chris Cuomo is so hot tho.. He could use this box all night till mid-day in the afternoon!

Anonymous said...

And yet she has aligned herself with the R@PIST Charlamgne??? GTFOH

Anonymous said...

@10:51am....Right? He could sexually harass me

Anonymous said...

LOL @Weren't Pretty 🤦🏿‍♀️

Like Tarana Burke 🙌🏿

Man & D Goes Hand & Hand 💅🏿

IT Starts W A P ✔️ ...

..& Ends W A Y 💯

IT Ain't Got No Face 💅🏿

& Broke NWords Do It ALL Day Every Day & Get BUY W IT 😒

@10:15: They Avoid IT By STFU Anyways

They See What Happens When Pretty Women Complain.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I would have never suspected Como to be with the sexual harassment f*ckery.

Anonymous said...

10:15 I quit. Sad part is the married ones are worse than the single harassers.

Anonymous said...

That is so not sexual harassment. That’s a poor joke he made and she didn’t respond for like a week. Seems soft to me

Anonymous said...

Maybe she’s so much younger than him that she couldn’t see herself as his peer cracking jokes.

Anonymous said...

^^^also meant to add I now teach at a mostly female staffed school. Even the custodians are women. We have 2 male teachers who are very gay so it’s better, now I just feel like I’m on an episode of married to medicine or housewives. Divas with degrees everywhere.

Anonymous said...

He didn't harass her. He just called her tinsel crotch after she posted a picture in a bikini w tinsel bottoms. And she got offended. I find tinsel crotch to be quite funny...

Anonymous said...

Is it harassment if a man flirts or makes a pass but you don't address it or tell him it's unacceptable? How does he know he's harassing you then? Serious question. And I'm not talking about anything physical. I'm talking strictly verbal.

Anonymous said...

@2:19… it’s important to have positive male role models in school. With those 2 “very gay” men that is a problem. Your school IS dysfunctional.

Anonymous said...

219 women can be child molestors also so not seeing how it was better

Anonymous said...

Cuomo is a sexual harasser. The men in that family treat women like shit. His big brother had to step down as Governor of NY state because of his derilect behavior.

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