Friday, December 08, 2023

Woman Arrested for Trying to Burn Down Dr. Martin Luther King's Birth Home

Atlanta tourists stop a woman from burning down the house where Dr. Martin Luther King was born...

Atlanta police are investigating after a woman attempted to burn down Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth home.
Police told Channel 2 Action News they were called to King’s birth home on Auburn Ave. near the King Center just after 5:45 p.m.
When they arrived, they found two off-duty NYPD officers who had been visiting the center had a suspect detained until they could arrive.
Police said they have arrested 26-year-old Laneisha Shantrice Henderson and charged her with criminal attempt arson and criminal attempt interference with government property.
Police say two tourists from Utah who were in the area saw Henderson pouring gasoline on the home and interrupted her.
“That action saved an important part of American history tonight,” Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said.
Video from a witness shared with Channel 2′s Michael Doudna shows a woman dressed in all black pouring gasoline on the windows and in the bushes of the home.
Atlanta Fire Department Battalion Chief Jerry DeBerry said had the witnesses not intervened, the house could have been burned to the ground in moments.
“It could have been a matter of seconds before the house was engulfed in flames,” DeBerry said.
Because King’s home is federal property, Henderson could face further federal charges.
The King Center released the following statement:
“Tonight, an unfortunate incident occurred at the birth home of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as an individual attempted to set fire to this historic property. Fortunately, the attempt was unsuccessful, thanks to the brave intervention of good Samaritans and the quick response of law enforcement. We thank the Atlanta Police Department, Atlanta Fire Department, the National Parks Service, and Mayor Andre Dickens for leading the efforts to ensure the safety of our cherished national landmark and its adjacent neighbors. Our prayers are with the individual who allegedly committed this criminal act.”


Anonymous said...

When your own turn against you. Not a klan member or supremacist but a black woman….Judas.

Anonymous said...

I'm completely okay if she disappears while she's in Rice Street.

Anonymous said...

Democrats paid her to do it. They were gonna blame white supremacist for arson. Democrats are desperate right now… they know Trump has secured the black vote after the illegal alien invasion.

Anonymous said...

Democrats haven’t paid that woman anything stop lying. Trump doesn’t even know you and he hasn’t secured any black vote but yours. The orange Cheeto going to prison anyways. 💯This was a woman whose demonic side took over. They need to jail her and get her mental help while she’s in there. And they need to put a better fence around that house since it’s a landmark, because people are untrustworthy and crazy especially on that side of town.

Anonymous said...

A failed gentrification attempt.

Anonymous said...

Why did they blur out her face when they gave her whole name and her mugshot? It’s something wrong with her and then she did it in broad daylight

Anonymous said...

Some folks are just coo coo for cocoa puffs.

Anonymous said...

Lock her up!

R in NYC said...

Another "Eisha" doing hoodrat sh**. Lock her azz up in the psyche ward and put her on some meds. She looks like she's two fries short of a combo meal.

Anonymous said...

A Black man wouldn’t have ever attempted anything like this! This is sad.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:07 PM. She's crazy but I doubt it has anything to do with the name her mama gave her.

Sunno said...

12:19 I wouldn't put it pass them.

Anonymous said...

So you telling me they were "off duty". They probably was following her for a long time. They probably was gang stalking her and insighting her to do something drastic like this. The police do gangstalk people with mental illness and she might have just happened to be at the birth place of MLK. Actually it could have been ritualistic. Harsh times out here however the harassing police aren't the heros in this instance , they just happened to be harassing her at the right moment.

Anonymous said...

She was stopped. That's what matters.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think I'd be reading anything this dumb this time of night. So you telling me she walking around with a full can of gas but was being stalked and set up by the po-po? So what was the gas can for then, genius?

Anonymous said...

@ 7:13 PM. I'm beginning to think you are the crazy one. By the way, the off duty officers were from Utah visiting Atlanta.

Anonymous said...

Is she a “tether” or is she “Foundational Black American”. I GUARANTEE she comes from the Carribean or her parents are from the Caribbean. This is what the “tether” class does…they attempt to undermine FBA history!

Anonymous said...

These “Tethers” think they slick… all skin folk ain’t your kinfolk. 🤦🏽‍♀️

Anonymous said...

^^^Foundational Black American? Haha, y'all fools will make up anything to further divide and weaken The Cause. Remember, "together we stand, divided we fall".

Anonymous said...

I stand with my ADOS/ FBA blacks. I stand with no Africans. IMO separation of the two.

Anonymous said...

…but you wrong for distancing from our island brethren. We one and same, just different tribes. Just not the Hamites.

Anonymous said...

All skinfolk...

Mouse said...

She’s not ADOS/FBA she’s something else

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