Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Tuohys Accuse Michael Oher of Extortion

Back in August retired NFL player Michael Oher filed a petition to end his conservatorship after accusing LeighAnn and Sean Tuohy of tricking him into signing over his rights [click here if you missed that]. 

Now the Tuohys are accusing Oher of threatening to defame them if they didn't give him $15 million...

From TMZ
Michael Oher repeatedly demanded $15 million from the Tuohy family over "The Blind Side" royalties, and if they didn't ante up he would "defame them on social media and/or TMZ as 'fakes' and 'thieves,' according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.
The Tuohys filed the docs in connection with Oher's legal claim he was allegedly screwed out of the proceeds from the movie. Oher has claimed the Tuohys pocketed his portion of the royalty checks. The Tuohys have said he got his fair share.
According to the legal docs, Oher sent a slew of texts alleging he was "robbed of fifty million+" and then lowered his final offer to $10 mil.
In one text, Oher wrote, "If something isn't resolved this Friday, I'm going to go ahead and tell the world, how I was robbed by my suppose to be [sic] parents. That's the deadline," adding, "Think how it will look when it comes out."
The docs say the Tuohys rejected the $10 million demand, and Oher fired back, "It was 10 million. Now I want 15 after taxes."
According to the new docs, the grand total for each of the Tuohys and Oher was identical -- $138,309.90, and that's what they received.
As for the fact the Tuohys never legally adopted Oher, they say they feel as if Oher is their son, notwithstanding his "vindictive and unfounded legal and reputational crusade against them."


Anonymous said...

Good. This is not extortion. He's requesting money that's rightfully his and he's telling them the consequences of their actions (or lack of). Good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yt tripping.

Anonymous said...

Get your money man.

The King Of The Real said...

ANNND? You should have just did a Diddy and gave that man his money.

Anonymous said...

He is clearly out of funds so there’s that.

LOLOL said...

Oh clucth my pearls. You stole and got called out. Now you call extortion. Lawrd ham mercy these Yt folks sure got nerve. Dump has released the dragon. Yt ppl think its all about them and thier dirty deeds.

Anonymous said...

He should capitalize on his story. Speak at schools etc.... Along with working all this out in the courts.

Anonymous said...

Give that man his money.

Dee said...

So where did they even get $15 mil? Because they didn't get it him coaching high school football? What did you say: They got it from using Michael's story? Oh! Pay that man!!!

Anonymous said...

Michael Lewis wrote the book and John Lee Hancock wrote and directed the film so that’s who he needs to take to court.

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