Sunday, December 24, 2023

T.D. Jakes Denies Wild Diddy Claims

For the past week slanderous unconfirmed rumors about Bishop T.D. Jakes and Sean Diddy Combs have circulated on the internet. 

Bishop addresses the claims...

A representative for popular televangelist T.D. Jakes, who leads The Potter's House megachurch in Dallas, Texas, has dismissed as "unequivocally false and baseless" an unverified report casting innuendo about his sexuality and accusing him of being a frequent participant at sex parties hosted by producer and music mogul Sean Combs, known by his stage name, Diddy.
"Recent claims circulating on pockets of social media about Bishop T.D. Jakes are unequivocally false and baseless," Jordan A. Hora, executive director of public relations and communications for the T.D. Jakes Group, T.D. Jakes Ministries and The Potter's House, told The Christian Post in an exclusive statement Thursday.
"What has always been true, in the words of the late Pastor Charles H. Spurgeon, 'If you want the truth to go round the world you must hire an express train to pull it; but if you want a lie to go round the world it will fly; it is as light as a feather, and a breath will carry it.'"
Hora said it was "disheartening to witness the proliferation of numerous deepfake photos and the distortion of words through false, sensationalized misrepresentations, encapsulating purported statements to falsely speculate and attack others, including Bishop Jakes."
"There is much more important work to be done to create a better world," she said. "The Bible teaches us the importance of compassion and care for others, especially those who may be marginalized or in need. Chairman Jakes undeterred by false, perverse, ignorant, and conspiratorial speculations will persevere in his continued dedication to create meaningful change for millions around the globe guided by the timeless principles of compassion, service, and ministry."


Kendall said...

Technically he didnt deny it.

Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that many will now use AI and deep fake technology as an excuse and others will use it as proof. What have we done? The world is in trouble and we don't know who or what to believe anymore. 🀦‍♀️🀷

Anonymous said...

Don't believe you PB, you be at the FO's and your whole family is a mess. Please make your daughter give that kid back to her mother It's like a matter of time before some body come forth and got him settling up.

Anonymous said...

He brought it upon himself. You never see him at a soup kitchen, food bank, or homeless shelter helping the needy with the money he collects, but you see him always taking pics with celebrities. Birds of a feather flock together.

Jesus DID NOT run with sinners, he transformed them, big difference. Notice how everyone who is mentored by him falls hard: John Gray, Juanita Bynum, That married guy, Diddy, and many others. It's because he props up frauds. He's an excellent motivational speaker but I haven't sensed the anointing on him in many years. He reminds me of Saul before he fell out of favor with God.

Men of God do not let gay men dance for them to Beyonce, but I saw the video of him, during commercial break, letting a gay, black cop in uniform, pop his behind for him as he smiled, seemed excited, and then they hugged, and the man did a split. The man was very comfortable and apparently worked for the show. A straight married man wouldn't have allowed that. Not judging, just stating facts because that moment between Jakes and the man was odd like they are close. The man danced with his butt turned to Jakes who was looking and had his hand in his pocket as he shook his leg. Could've been innocent but what preacher allows that?

Anonymous said...

Anybody who follows a multimillionaire televangelist is a stone cold fool. There's no way I'm heeding the word of someone who calls himself a Christian but is entirely of the world -- hanging out with depraved celebrities, living ostentatiously, etc. And this is coming from someone who doesn't even believe in JC as lord & savior. That title's reserved solely for God.

Anonymous said...

Millions of pastors and this happens to him. Wow. Let's blame AI since KARMA has nothing to do wit it.

Anonymous said...

If the photos or video come out, don't try and blame AI because witnesses will be able to tell if it's real or if it's fake.

bkNY said...

In not too many more months when those butt plugs dont work we gon hear the one about his super diet. This is not about exposing the man its about them playing in our face and at the name of Jesus Christ. His whole family seems to be a mess. Houston we have a problem

Anonymous said...

The video I saw wasn't AI although that technology will bring about a great deception. What I saw just seemed like an audience member recording during the commercial break. You can checkout the video on social media, just put in TD lets man dance for him to Beyonce.

It's not a conspiracy, it's probably just the fact that he has run in Hollywood so long he doesn't see the wrong in it or he's secretly drawn to that? God says do not mix the sacred with the profane. You don't let a man's behind be turned to you while he dances to secular music. Either serve the Lord or move on from your reverend post, but its probably hard to let go of that 100% tax free church money. I could tell he and his wife have been "over" church a long time and now it's just talk. She just recently did the fakest leg healing I have ever seen. Smh. She was even introducing the yoga religion right in God's santuary a few years ago. In yoga the highest point is when the "serpent " goes up your spine aka condulini. Is what it is. It's sad but we all have free will. I pray they repent and leave Hollywood. God will not be mocked.

Anonymous said...

I agree AI is scary, wasn't referring to a comment but his ppl trying to blame deepfake... which is also super deceptive

Anonymous said...

What's amazing to me is how much these people who are commenting know about the Bible yet they aren't living it themselves. Judge no that ye not be judged. And don't forget this one that comes from Romans: There is therefore no condemnation to them who are in CHRIST JESUS. Now that's the word.

Anonymous said...

We are told to have discernment and to judge righteously. " Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!" - 1 Corinthians 6:3

Anonymous said...

^^ And what does the bible say about gossip? Why are you here?

Anonymous said...

4:45 Did the Word lead you to a gossip blog? No, you came willingly. You "chose" to come to a blog. By the way, God says judge but condemn not. Also, you used the Word out of context and left out the entire meaning of that section of the Word when He also says do not add to nor take away from my Word.

Anyway, we are all known by the fruit that we bear which means people determine your character by your actions. That's not unjust judgment or condemnation, that's the Word. What do you call a person who lies? You call them a liar. Is that judgment or facts? When you meet a guy do you just go out with him without first "judging" his character? Teachers judge your work and character from K-12, but you don't want anyone to examine a preacher running with a woman hurting reprobate??? Judges judge and employers judge too. Life is judgement, but don't confuse character judgment with condemnation.

Anonymous said...

6:02 served that bish up on a platter!!! LMAO!!

Anonymous said...

I, too, saw that zesty, dancing pig.

R in NYC said...

TD Fakes is getting exposed. I'm a former member of his cult....I mean church.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚God told me to get the heck outta there back in 2000. Too much crap going on in there. Those people were worshiping TD and not God.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all so much for explaining the
judgement scripture
The problem I have with Jakes and others
is just take a sabbatical and sit down
somewhere for a minute
When you are going through some "ungodly"
Why must you continue to lead the flock?
Its not church anymore
Just a entertainment show now
So sad
I hope The Lord raise up Bishop Herman Murray
And if He does
I hope he stay loyal to The Faith

chevychick said...

Jakes watch who you hang with.

Anonymous said...

Of course he's going to deny being a power bottom. That's a truth ain't no man gon' cop to. With his fraud a$$

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