Friday, December 22, 2023

Simone Biles' Husband Never Heard of Her Before They Met

Olympic gold medal gymnast Simone Biles' husband, Green Bay Packers safety Jonathan Owens, calls himself "the catch" and said he didn't know who Simone was until she slipped into his DMs...

After the backlash Jonathan shared a post about being unbothered. 


Anonymous said...

Sure that you didn't know who she was and who knew you?

Chelle said...

6:02 exactly. Who are you. I still don't know you. I thought that was awful for him to say that crap.

Anonymous said...

I Bet She's MURDER In The Sack!

Anonymous said...

What rhymes with recycle? This story floated around cyberspace before they got married.

R in NYC said...

He looks zesty.

Anonymous said...

Why are folks getting offended that a red-blooded American male doesn't follow gymnastics? She obviously didn't care because they're married. I just asked my man and he doesn't know her, either.

EJ said...

That man is attractive and she is not that attractive. So it is very possible. So what you all didn't know him, he caught her eye!

Anonymous said...

Men are the prize. Especially black men! Black women outnumber us by 2 million. But we taking our talents overseas! So be happy scraping the bottom of the barrel! Supply & demand baby!

Anonymous said...

He is gorgeous. She isn't ugly but let's be real, he is way outta her league

Anonymous said...

She's tiny and adorable. Her look just works. Wrap that up in her success and media access and she's definitely the "catch".

Anonymous said...

How is he "outta her league"? Being her actual husband negates that opinion.

Anonymous said...

She bought him. She couldn't get him if she were working the register at Target.

Anonymous said...

He IS Zesty 🙌🏿

Is Why Her Married He/r 💅🏿

Kendall said...

Most of your fathers are zesty too though...

Anonymous said...

You don’t have to share everything. He gin’ learn today. The internet out here tearing him apart. 😆🤦🏾‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Looks like the honeymoon is over and Simone married a bad b!tch/princess. Did she get on one knee and propose?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello people!!!Maybe he loves her for who she is....You'll need to Grow You..

Anonymous said...

Correction: For Who she is

Anonymous said...

Its a bunch of retards in here & mto comment section

Anonymous said...

Simone Biles' name is sketched in gold in the Olympic history books. She defies gravity and broken barriers that didn't even exist. Because of her his blip of an existence with be the husband and potential father of her kids. She is a regular girl and he saying he didn't know who was up and swiped up was a show that he wasn't looking for that come up.

Let's be real though Simone is attracted to him, she's happy. She the GOAT in gymnastics, would yall rather she pull a Serena? Because we all know if he was of a different complexion people to quick to say she is his "exotic" instead of saying she ugly..

And honestly some men like women because they find them beautiful not because society says so, just like society quick to call someone zesty because??? All handsome men are gay?

-End Rambling

R in NYC said...

My Daddy ain't zesty and at least I have one.🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

Many of these comments are about colorism. Y’all wouldn’t have a complaint if her skin color was as light as his.

I am always here for Simone and I couldn’t care less who she married.

Anonymous said...

Yall are so annoying with the colorism comments. I promise you if this woman were light skinned she would still be just as average.

Anonymous said...

Love for him to explain what makes him a catch because I can't see it. Someone be kind enough to tell him that having a piece of meat dangling between your legs doesn't make you a catch. Shows you the standard of education these days if this thing attended college.

Anonymous said...

He knows who she was. Someone already pulled his old tweets and he was definitely talking about Gabby back in 2012 which means he knows something about gymnastics and who Simone was before she approached him. Her husband is a bozo but she married him so oh well. I will never like a man more than he likes me.

LOLOL said...

For those of you who are enchanted with looks, as we get older we all start looking the same when father time hits us all. What makes a marriage or partner is the heart not the face.

Danni P said...

I can understand why he didn't know who she was ... There are plenty of famous ppl I don't know until they hit the gossip blogs ..... Had no idea who Kelce was until Taylor Swift 😂

Anonymous said...

Is he a well known or outstanding player? I only know him because of her.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone follows sports.

Anonymous said...

Google still exists. Please stop. No one in his position is not going to vet new people. Even if he never heard of her, he said he saw her follower count and was like cool she has over so many million following her. At that very moment he found out so yes he’s capping.
Good luck to their marriage though. She seems more into him than he is into her. She cheesing from ear to ear.

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