Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Jonathan Majors Asked Ex to Make Sacrifices for His Career Like Corretta Scott King Did for MLK

This week actor Jonathan Majors domestic violence case kicked off in New York with Major's team accusing his ex, Grace Jabbari, of being the aggressor in the incident [click here if you missed that]. 

In Jabbari's team opening arguments they painted Majors as an insecure manipulator who threatened suicide to control Jabbari and told her she needed to make sacrifices for his career like Michelle Obama and Coretta Scott King did for their husbands...

Marvel actor Jonathan Majors was so controlling toward his ex-girlfriend he told her she needed to make sacrifices for him like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama did for their husbands, prosecutors told the jury at the opening of his domestic violence case.
Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Michael Perez depicted Majors as an insecure and violent boyfriend who used a "cruel and manipulative pattern of psychological abuse" against British dancer Grace Jabbari in their relationship. That behavior culminated in an attack on March 25 in the back of a livery car in Chinatown after Jabbari saw a text from another woman on Majors' phone, he said.
Prosecutors accuse Majors of assault and harassment, alleging the Kang the Conqueror actor broke Jabbari's finger, twisted her arm, and struck her in the ear, causing it to bleed.
Before opening arguments began, Manhattan prosecutors consolidated the eight misdemeanor charges against Majors down to four –– two counts of third-degree assault, one count of aggravated harassment and one count of harassment. Jabarri was also charged by the NYPD for misdemeanor assault and harassment, however, the Manhattan District Attorney declined to bring a case against her.
In the opening arguments on Monday morning, prosecutors wove a tale of love that blossomed on a film set and then disintegrated in a jealousy-fueled domestic dispute in the back of a for-hire car.
Majors met Jabbari on the set of "Antman" and sent her his number through an intermediary, according to Perez.
The relationship developed quickly and the two even discussed having children and eventually getting married, according to the assistant district attorney.
Along with those plans for the future, Perez said, were flashes of insecurity and anger from Majors.
"He began to snap at Grace Jabbari and became manipulative," the prosecutor said. "He even threatened suicide to control her."
In June of 2022, she went to a music festival in the UK with a friend where cellphone service was spotty, Perez told the jury.
"He became angry at her and ordered her to return," the prosecutor said. "He told her that she needed to be there when he needed her."
The prosecutor said that he would shout and throw household items, breaking them during arguments.
He got upset when she went to the pub for a drink with a friend and confronted her, Perez said, pulling her earphones out of her ears and saying, "You're stupid if you don't know what you did wrong."
He then threatened to end the relationship, throwing her possessions into a bag, according to the prosecutor.
"He told Grace Jabbari that she needs to live up to the standards of Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama to make sacrifices for him, because, he told her, 'I am a great man,'" Perez said. "He told her that she needed to comport herself in the way he needed her to be."


Anonymous said...

Like really? I hope he didn't ask this white b!tch to act like Coretta Scott King . And he is far from MLK. It's truths and lies in this case. I think she's exaggerating on something's or making it more dramatic. I believe he does have anger issues. But come on Coretta Scott King?

Anonymous said...

^^^ True or not, I'm still here for Jonathan (among other things, he was the only presenter at the Oscars who gave a shout-out to Angela Bassett *after* she lost to the nepo child), but I have a feeling this might be true. I can see a nicca with a YT woman doing this. I bet he's not the only bruh who's run that of line on them.

But it also sounds like something YT made up just to put the nails in his coffin (career).

I think she also has issues and has used physical force on him, daring him to hit her. We'll find out as the case progresses.

Either way, I've still got his back.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe anything coming out of her mouth!! Just another (KAREN)

Anonymous said...

Good thing Mr.MLK Majors has you Snitchers behind him because I haven’t heard anyone in the Black theater/movie community come to his defense. The boy is talented but he’s also known to be twisted and toxic. Somebody was going to take him down eventually.

Anonymous said...

Guilty or not, Megan Good isnt foing herself any favors standing next to him. She looks like a handbag he’s carrying to look less guilty.

Anonymous said...

She had him on recording saying this

Anonymous said...

Y'all can believe Karen if you want to...

Anonymous said...

Is Jonathan Majors autistic? Legit question because he seems to be on the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

@9:50 These people on snitch don’t believe in facts. They’d rather go with the opinion they make up in their heads.

Anonymous said...

@9:36. You told no lies. That said, Black theater/movie workers have not come to his defense, but they haven't denounced him, either. Those who know him are too cowardly to take a stance, EXCEPT Meagan Good. She knows him, has known him for years, and is standing by him. He doesn't have the kind of money or clout needed to pay her.

I need hard-core evidence to come down on him. I need more than whispers and speculation.

R in NYC said...

It's the audacity for me. I have no sympathy for these Snow bunny lovers.

Anonymous said...

All you guys saying no sympathy for Karen and no sympathy for white women, imagine if it was a black woman that went thru this. NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE HER EITHER. It's time to either admit you're racist or you hate women or both. I believe her because who would want to go thru all this with him in the media? This is not going to go well for Megan Good. If anything happens to her, no one will believe her. I do not understand why men get the benefit of the doubt when the number one cause of death in women in America is murder by a partner or live interest. It starts with psychological and physical abuse and it ends in murder

Anonymous said...

9:35, I am Black and named Karen. Please don't use my name as a curse when I haven't wronged a living soul. How would you like others to use your name in a derogatory way?

Anonymous said...

12:00 That goes for you too.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the entire situation was blown completely out of proportion and that if she had a broken bone she certainly wouldn't have gone partying because there is nothing more painful believe me. She was in the club touching things and not flinching. Where are the Xrays taken that night? I feel she's upset he broke up with her after she got caught cheating. As for the Coretta allegation, she wasn't his wife and could've left. These folks were not married, they only shacked when he wasn't busy working. It's an overblown case. I don't think he's an angel at all, but to go to court over a breakup is silly. She left America because she knew it was overblown. Hell hath no fury. Had she not stolen his property this would've never been an issue. If one of us walked up to a stranger and took their phone and they yanked it back or tussled with us over it, should they be put on trial?

Anonymous said...

^^^I meant after he got caught cheating^^^

Anonymous said...

Karen, Karen, Karen. Now what? You don't get to tell me how to roll with language. Got that? Good.

Anonymous said...

Dang y'all about to throw bows up in here like Jonathan did. Is it that serious. 12:56 just drew a line for 12:39 to cross.

Anonymous said...

@12:39 PM My name is Shaniqua AND my birthday is on September 11th. Did I want to be known as a stereotypical ghetto girl born on 9/11? No, but it is what it is. You're fighting a losing battle.

Anonymous said...

1:55 What's wrong with the name Shaniqua? Also, what's wrong with being born on September 11th? Absolutely nothing. Only morons would equate your name with anything other than what your parents intended. Your birth name blessing is a gift, not a curse. Also, September 11th doesn't belong to darkness because God made the days and the seasons. I'm not giving Satan 1 inch. No, it's not a losing battle because God's light always wins.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe he said this to a white British woman. I'm not saying he didn't abuse her but it would take an extraordinary lack of self awareness to tell a white foreigner to behave like two black women who had to deal with nonstop racist abuse to support their husbands historical achievements.

Anonymous said...

It doesn’t matter what you believe. Sh-ts on tape! It was played in the courtroom! Pay attention! Whole lotta ignorance on this web site.

Anonymous said...

Where in the article posted does it say that statement was played on tape @5:30pm?

Anonymous said...

^ I’ve searched online and can’t find anything. Maybe someone will supply a link to a credible report of a tape with his admission on it.

Anonymous said...

@323. Ain’t nothing wrong with the name Shaniqua. The problem is with racists (idiots, as you call them) who may hire her, who may grade her, who may accept her on their team. These are racists (idiots) who may determine her future. Don’t act like she doesn’t have challenges with a name like that. Ditto on her birthdate.

Anonymous said...

He did it. He has a history of treating his snow bunny preferences like crap.

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