Sunday, December 24, 2023

Dr. Jackie Apologizes for Comments about Pregnant Black Women

Last week Married to Medicine cast member Dr. Jackie went viral after a clip resurfaced where she accused Black women of being over dramatic and untruthful during pregnancy [click here if you missed that].

Dr. Jackie apologizes...


Anonymous said...

If you said it Jackie stand on it. Could it be possible there is some truth to it or what it the way it was said. Either way Dr J aint the nicest

Lynny said...

I don’t watch housewives or any of these reality shows like that anymore so I don’t really KNOW this chick but I’ve seen her around and know she’s well known in Atlanta. And yes she seems not nice and full of herself to say something like that. Very disappointing and stuck up of her to say that about pregnant black women who are already marginalized and struggling and dying when giving birth. I don’t like her and I would NEVER go to her for a medical concern that’s for sure.

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would go to her now for treatment? Just disgusting, always people that looks like us never have our backs

Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would go to her now for treatment? Just disgusting, always people that looks like us never have our backs

Chelle said...

3:15 I agree. To me it tells other doctors. I kne it, I knew it. We got one of there doctors on camera saying they do it. That show is awful and fake people and black women support it. Unbelievable

Anonymous said...

this biacx

Anonymous said...

She’s still full of it. Next.

Anonymous said...

Girl Bye. Let the celebs continue to go to her and non black women if they dare. Black women stay away from this heffa.

Unknown said...

She had way too much energy in her words, during that 2020 live; I mean, she said that shyt with her whole chest: sometimes BLACK WOMEN are melodramatic about their pain during pregnancy, so that they can be given time off... BISH WTF? And now it's "women of color...mortality rates" no, no... elaborate on this expertise about black women lying about their bodies to get out of doing jobs (i.e lazy). I wonder what yt supremacist group used her to push that narrative smdh. The only reason why she's crying is because she knows her career is over. If blk women wanted that kind of disrespect, they may as well go to a yt doctor smdh.

Anonymous said...

Pure ignorance. Challenge her license.

LOLOL said...

She comes off like she is above everybody else sometimes. Them little skinny legs ain't all that.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Jackie doesn’t care and is truly unbothered. I cannot believe how she went from such a lovely kind and high vibing doctor to a zombie in a few seasons. The show has taken its toll.

Anonymous said...

It's so damaging when one of our own makes such a horrible statement like this. I had almost 8 hours of surgery to have multiple fibroids removed, one crushed ovary removed and needed a blood transfusion so I could one day have a baby. Not even two weeks a WM Dr. sent me back to work and I couldn't even walk upright. My mom spoke to a white female patient in the waiting room who had the same surgery cut horizontal less hours to take out two grape fruit size fibroids and she told my mom it was her 2nd follow up, she will be out 8 weeks. I had to return to work and then go out using my vacation time he refused to keep me out longer and released me back to my OBGYN. She stopped sending patients to him after how he treated me like that. Our pain is so real, we are human not animals.

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