Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Diddy Wants Liquor Lawsuit Sealed

Six months ago Sean 'Diddy' Combs filed a lawsuit against his business partners Diageo North America Inc., after accusing them of discriminating against his liquor brands in terms of marketing [click here if you missed that]. 

Now Diddy wants the lawsuit sealed from the public...
Embattled rapper and businessman Sean “Diddy” Combs is seeking to seal top secret business records in a vicious lawsuit with a major alcohol label that produced his hit tequila brand, RadarOnline.com has learned.
The request to seal comes after two women slammed him with separate lawsuits that accused him of alleged sexual abuse and just days after he settled another bombshell claim filed by his singer ex-girlfriend Cassie.
As RadarOnline.com previously reported, in May, Combs, 53, sued Diageo North America Inc., for breach of contract and accused the liquor giant of discrimination because it allegedly only wanted to promote Ciroc vodka and DeLeon Tequila in urban areas.
Diageo responded by accusing Combs of trying to strong-arm cash from the liquor company since he allegedly “asked to be paid millions of dollars more under threat of publicly accusing Diageo of racism,” court documents stated.
Diageo said the lawsuit which was filed in New York Supreme Court was “false and reckless.”
Judge Joel M. Cohen rejected Diageo's motion to toss out the lawsuit setting the stage for a bare-knuckle trial and legal motions to seal documents that reveal sensitive marketing plans.
“These materials contain confidential business information and proprietary information that Combs Wines maintains should be filed under seal,” stated court documents filed last month. “Combs Wines also redacted additional information that Diageo may have sought to protect as “confidential” out of an abundance of caution.”
“Combs Wines seeks the sealing of statements of work for promotional activity that is to be undertaken in fiscal year 2024 because the statements of work are confidential business records that, if unsealed, would provide competitors with an unfair competitive advantage.”
Diageo’s legal team argued some of the documents should remain unsealed because the marketing strategies Combs wants to hide “are central to the parties’ dispute.”


Jcee said...

Ohhhh noooo when that nanny was just suing you and she wanted her name to be kept from the public you fought it so don’t fight this! Take this L take that take that

Anonymous said...

Nope! Expose this fool and all of his lies. Don't seal nothing.

Jcee said...

And another thing you want to hide how YOU participated in promoting liquor and getting paid to do so to the black community. Sir YOU are the one who sat around promoting ciroc to the black community under the guise of it being a black owned company when you never owned ciroc but you knew if they put it out as such black folks would buy it thinking they supported a black brand you was a glorified brand ambassador and you enlisted other black celebrities to help you push that trash! So noooooo let it be out on the open let it all come full circle.

Vernell said...

When You Smell SMOKE, Don't Look For The FIRE N!gga, Just Run Like Hell.. This Fool Done Started A Fight With Th MAFIA!!! Look What Has Happened Since "HE" Filed That Paperwork... P Diddy Is Gonna Loose BIG TIME!!!

Anonymous said...

Unlike Issa Rae I don't root for everybody Black!


Anonymous said...

He better seal that boot-a hole when he serves that time.

No Chiraq said...

Did he ply Cassie with Ciroc during the F.O's?

Anonymous said...

12:59 karma is eating this man up. Yeah he pulled and pulled to get that lady’s name released. He’s garbage and God is about to take out this nasty stinky garbage of a man

Anonymous said...

It’s too late Diddy this karmic tide rolling in on you. The Revenge coming to you from all the people you have done dirty over the years, coming in hot and fresh.

Kedarbenjudah said...

Wish him the best but he has a reputation of being a real SOB from most who have interacted with him personally or professionally. I saw none of it with my own eyes, so I won't say it's true but it's not looking good for him right about now just as his accusers are having their day to air out the wrongs, he allegedly committed he also has the same opportunity to prove them wrong. So far he has not acted in or voiced a posture of a man wrongly accused and set on proving his innocence but that of a man caught and doing his best to minimize the fallout. This may be appears to be an effort to seal information to avoid exposing him bluffing in court documents once that happens he will be exposed and called a liar making all of his claims of innocence non credible in the court of public opinion and that is what he is most likely concerned about more so than what the outcome of the case with Daigo is
after all the ruse of ownership and not real ownership left all the cards in the hands of Diageo and they have already pulled the plug on his brands due to this case and he realizes you can't get back what doesn't exist anymore so he is willing to let that die in court without fanfare.

Dee said...

But seriously, Ciroc isn't high quality. It doesn't even taste high quality. I drank it once and um... no thank you. High end restaurants don't serve that garbage. They don't even carry it. Very true story. It's not discrimination if the restaurants' patrons don't drink it, and there's no demand for it in their market - it simply won't be distributed to them. They don't have a need for it. It's just business.

Anonymous said...

Wish this POS woman beater all the consequences

Anonymous said...

When he first filed the suit he was trying to publicize as much as possible by saying it was racism. He thought he would immediately get black people on his side but it didn't work because we already knew he was a lying snake in the grass just based on all the musicians he robbed blind. Now that his deplorable behavior has leaked and more people turned on him he wants details sealed. All he does is use and abuse everything and everyone he comes into contact with. Hopefully he gets exactly what he deserves and I say this as someone who believes that the alcohol company probably is racist. Diddy has no problem cheating and screwing over black people so why should we care when it happens to him?

R in NYC said...

He's getting what he deserves

Anonymous said...

@1:04 PM Thank you!!!

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