Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christian Keys Clarifies Childhood Trauma Reveal

This week an interview with Christian Keyes resurfaced online where he talked about his troubled childhood [click here if you missed  that]. 

Christian admits he re-shared the interview to help explain why he hasn't revealed the name of the billionaire filmmaker who sexually harassed him...


Unknown said...

Please. If his trauma is this bad then he needs to be speaking to a therapist, not social media. This idiot is clout chasing for a paycheck and if he was assaulted or abused the likelihood of anyone believing him slim to none. Had he just admitted who it was, or taken legal action, he could've kept his rep and sanity intact, but fake wh0 res gonna fame wh 0 re

Anonymous said...

He needs to say who it is because Judge Joe was falsely accused of SA when Shiryl Lee Ralph said it was a Black judge but not Judge Mathis. So the public wrongly accused him. Turned out it was allegedly the other Black judge but she let people attack Joe. So either call names or don't throw hints. You can speak about it without leading the public on a wild goose chase.

Anonymous said...

ummm not sure it's his fault when the public starts attacking folk, that's shameful victim blaming. His speaking out is bringing awareness to the issue, like Corey Feldman, and it helps tremendously. Patience is a virtue, the hidden things will eventually be revealed.

Anonymous said...

You can’t heal in public. He’s talking about being abused and traumatized. But not once has he mentioned seeking a mental health therapist. .

Dee said...

Christian Smollett Keyes needs to file a lawsuit against the perpetrators or shut TF up. Him talking about it to us and not revealing who it is - or even filing a claim - just reeks of sensationalism and seems attention seeking. He needs to file a complaint in court or stop talking to us about it. It's garnering too much attention without seeking justice and while still protecting the perpetrator. Again... it's garnering attention - not justice. He's starting to sound like his cousin Jussie... just blowing hot air for attention.

Anonymous said...

He wrote, "Is this person still doing it."
Well um, if nobody knows who this person is, chances are they're still doing it. Duh!

Anonymous said...

The perpetrator for Sure is halting his acts even w/o being named. And if therapy really worked....

Anonymous said...

2:16 I am not victim blaming silly . I am saying don't let people go on a wild goose chase because he threw enough hints by saying gatekeeper which the public assumed was one of the 3 Black directors and producers he may have worked for. Innuendos can get innocent people verbally attacked in this wierd era we live in. Cassie didn't throw hints, she exposed the monster. He needs to free himself from the burden he's carrying. Put the load on the monster, don't carry it yourself. That's not victim blaming.

Anonymous said...

Either speak your truth or go back under a rock.

Anonymous said...

We don't care Christian we're not playing ur little game were tired u acting like a broad of u don't give me what I asked for I'm going to tell everyone what u did to me lol sounds like a chick! so I guess this was the first step getting on social media and not saying who did this boy bye we ain't here for u nobody's going to continue to go around the mulberry bush with you we don't care

Anonymous said...

We won't be heartbroken if he would reveal who it was, Christian will be heartbroken, STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. I have it and it's real. His narrative keeps switching up, must got a new project coming up. That's all I got.

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