Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Brittish Williams Admits Gambling Addiction Led to Fraud

Back in October former Basketball Wives LA cast member Brittish Williams was convicted on fraud charges and sentenced to 4 years in prison [click here if you missed that].

In a clip from an upcoming interview with Carlos King Brittish admits her gambling addiction, and her father's death, sent her on a downward spiral...

From Page Six
“Basketball Wives” alum Brittish Williams claims a series of issues — including a “horrible” gambling addiction, plus her father’s death — led to fraudulent criminal behavior that has landed her a four-year prison sentence.
“That [gambling] addiction had a lot of domino effects to things that would occur,” Williams, 33, tells esteemed reality TV producer Carlos King in Page Six’s exclusive preview of Tuesday’s “Reality with the King” podcast episode.
When her dad died in July 2017 after a grueling battle with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, the reality star had suppressed her gambling habits.
She explains to host King, 44, that she received insurance money from his passing and wanted to “do right” with the influx of cash, given her history of spending it irresponsibly.
Williams says she intended to build her credit up and sought help from a financial advisor, who sold her a credit privacy number (CPN). The nine-digit number — formatted just like a Social Security number (SSN) — is frequently used by scammers to mislead consumers into thinking it can replace one’s SSN.
It is illegal to create a false identity with a CPN, though Williams claims that she bought one with the sole intention of pulling herself out of a financial hole — especially after losing tens of thousands of dollars to her gambling addiction.
“When people see this misuse of a social security number, they think I went and stole people’s social security numbers or something. That wasn’t the case,” she says in our sneak peek.
“I bought a CPN from a credit lady and I don’t know if it was somebody’s actual social security number or if it was something they created,” Williams elaborates. “I don’t know but that’s where that came from.”


Anonymous said...

Nobody wants to do the work! My credit was ruined in my twenties. By the time I was 30 I couldn’t purchase anything with credit. I pulled my credit report it was the lowest score possible. I paid those debts one by one. Made deals with creditors to remove it from my credit once it was paid. That was 10 years ago. Today I have a FICO of 794. Patience is key!

LOLOL said...

Not buying it. Serve your time.

Anonymous said...

I'm buying it, but she still has to do the time.

I think she may have had fraudulent ways before she got hooked on gambling, but nothing significant enough to do time. I think she just lost her mind after she got hooked on gambling and did whatever it took to recoup her money. Now she has to do the time.

Anonymous said...

Live within your means.

Anonymous said...

That’s no excuse. To the slammer you go. Clink clink MF.

No Chiraq said...

Trying to get sympathy. Go 2 jail.

Anonymous said...

Do the crime do the time, simple as that!


that gambling addiction will not help with sentencing

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